Teresa Giudice Says She has ‘Closed’ the Chapter on Trying to Reconcile with Joe and Melissa Gorga Plus Jennifer Aydin Reveals If She Wants the Gorgas Fired from RHONJ and Fans Chime In

RHONJ's Teresa Giudice takes photo with Melissa and Joe Gorga

The drama between the Giudices and Gorgas will no longer be a storyline on RHONJ if Teresa Giudice has her way.

The RHONJ OG reveals that she has “closed” the chapter on trying to reconcile with her brother Joe Gorga and his wife Melissa Gorga.

Teresa recently appeared on the Up and Adam Live podcast, where she shut down the option of going to family therapy with her brother and sister-in-law.

“Would ever consider family therapy?” host Adam Newell asked.

The Bravoleb replied, “No. No, absolutely not. Like me and my brother, that chapter’s closed.”

She then elaborated, noting that she is “focusing” on her family and “healing.”

“I’m focusing on, um, you know, my family and what’s important. I need time to heal. I’ve been going through this over 10 years. Unfortunately,” she explains.

The 50-year-old continues, “It’s very, very sad that this had a play out on national TV. It’s really is very sad, very disgusting, very toxic. So, I need time to focus on my family and heal.”

Meanwhile, it seems that a large chunk of RHONJ fans want the Gorgas gone from RHONJ.

Right after Tuesday’s episode of RHONJ, the hashtags #firethegorgas and #firemelissagorga started trending on Twitter and Instagram.

Bravo fans bombarded social media with requests for Bravo to fire Joe and Melissa.

“Melissa has had no storyline but Teresa for 10 years. No other HW is allowed to coast like this. She brings nothing to the show. #firethegorgas,” one fan wrote.

“They’re so toxic. Sick and tired of them faking the family feud, it’s boring. #firethegorgas,” a second fan shared.

“Fire the Gorgas. We are sick and tired of the same storyline year after year,” a third fan echoed.

Another fan commented, “#firethegorgas they must go for real. It’s stale.”

See what else fans had to say below!

Another Fan Commented
fan shared
Another Fan Commented

While some fans may want the Gorgas gone, the same can’t be said for Jennifer Aydin, who recently revealed that she isn’t interested in seeing Joe and Melissa fired despite their rocky relationship.

According to Jennifer, she never wishes to see any Housewife fired from the show and instead leaves the firing and hiring up to Bravo.

“No, I don’t ever want to see anyone be fired from their job. I’m not the boss. I don’t make the rules. On if they want them not back or not back, whatever Bravo wants, Bravo gets,” Jennifer tells The U.S. Sun.

“I’m a very good employee and I will work with all of my co-workers, please know that! Nobody get fired! But I trust Bravo knows what they’re doing,” she adds.

As for whether or not she believes Teresa and Louie can reconcile with the Gorgas amid their current feud, Jennifer says can’t predict that but thinks everyone involved needs space and time away from each other.

“I think right now it’s too premature to assume anything. I think we just need to give everybody some time,” she admits.

“Teresa is just trying to concentrate on her life. She’s a newlywed. She has this new beautiful blended family. She’s really trying to concentrate on keeping the peace,” she continues.

When it comes to the upcoming season 13 reunion, Jennifer says “I don’t know how it’s going to go between them. All I could say is what I will try to do, which is just work through my issues with some of my cast members. At the end of the day, the show is about friendships, making new friendships and trying to resolve whatever conflict we have with each other. Hopefully we can get to that at the reunion.”

RHONJ airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm on Bravo.

Thoughts on this all? Sound off below!

Yes, Teresa Giudice has stated that she has “closed” the chapter on trying to reconcile with her brother Joe Gorga and his wife Melissa Gorga.

No, Teresa Giudice has made it clear that she will not consider family therapy with her brother and sister-in-law.

Yes, after a recent episode of RHONJ, hashtags such as #firethegorgas and #firemelissagorga started trending on Twitter and Instagram, with fans expressing their desire for Bravo to fire Joe and Melissa Gorga.

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TA April 5, 2023 - 8:49 am
I’d like to see Teresa without Joe and Melissa bringing her down. She was so light and fun the first two seasons and on UGT, would be great to see her really feel comfortable in the group again and actually enjoy the show
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 6:07 am
What's in it for this site to go so hard for the Gorgas?? What are Teresa's "storylines" exactly? Going to jail? Her terrible marriage? Her new walking red flag of a husband? She couldn't even be cast on RHUGT without Melissa.
HousewifeVeteran April 1, 2023 - 11:35 pm
I think the show would be better without Felon Teresa & Luiser. They can take the Aydins and I wanna be a Barbie Danielle & her hubby with them. I'm so tired of the bs screamers. All they can do is talk crap and not own up to what they say when they're confronted about it. The show would be so much better without them. Felon has turned the narrative time and again when she's confronted, case in point, where she turned on Rachel when she was confronted about talking crap about Marge. I'll keep believing Joe & Melissa over a Felon who's spent time in prison, who thinks she did nothing wrong while defrauding a bank.
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 6:12 am
Yep. As long as Teresa is on the show it will be the same old crap of trying to hide her real life which setting everyone else up. If her fans think she is such a star who carries the show then give her her own show and see how good that is. Let the rest of the cast play in peace.
Kathleen April 1, 2023 - 7:21 pm
I think both couples should be fired. They are stale.
Cat Can March 31, 2023 - 11:55 am
As a viewer, it’s frustrating having to watch Melissa, Margaret, Jackie (and now Rachel Fuda) for YEARS never have 1 thing to say to each other that holds any of them accountable for anything. They only deflect and make excuses for each other, no matter what is said or done. Super boring. Their pact to support each other no matter what is truly their downfall. That’s why their scenes are boring. There’s nothing to say unless Teresa or JenniferA are there. Mix it up a little ladies. That is why the Gorga’s need to go. Maybe that will make the others realize they need to get activated with all of their castmates, not just 1 or 2. I love how the Atlanta Housewives are able to be honest with each other, whether they are friends or not - they tell you what their true opinion of a situation is.
September24 March 31, 2023 - 3:32 pm
Excellent point. Marge, Jackie, Rachel, and Melissa only talk about other HWs and that's their storylines. Nothing else.
September24 March 31, 2023 - 3:29 pm
Ms Marco: I love Nene RHOA. She doesn't use the show for her product endorsements. Also Ms Marco: Teresa why aren't you helping promote my product endorsements. No-one needs a SIL like Ms Marco. No-one.
September24 March 31, 2023 - 3:27 pm
The secrecy involved in getting on the show, the bad-mouthing of in-laws, hurting the Senior Gorga's, the physical attacks and outbursts, hurting the nieces, and now hurting their SIL still doesn't reach Ms Marco's benchmark to leave the show and her quest for fame. Ms Marco's definition of family isn't a match to anyone else's.
Kat March 31, 2023 - 10:37 pm
Teresa? Is that you?
September24 April 1, 2023 - 7:47 am
LOL! No. Just a viewer stating the facts. I can't imagine a relative just showing up in my workplace and bad-mouthing. The gorga's have no shame, no limits, no boundaries. They will sell anyone for a paycheck.
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 6:16 am
There was no secrecy, Teresa just wasn't talking to them. Why would they turn down the chance to earn a Bravo paycheck for her feelings? Teresa was the one refusing to sign her contract right up to the christening and pretending it was all fine in front of the cameras. She has always been a fake. You think Melissa and Joe's kids like seeing their aunt Teresa telling their dad that their mom will leave him for a richer guy? Or setting her up to be called a stripper? Or hanging out with people alleging that Melissa is a cheat? Is that a good definition of family?
September24 April 3, 2023 - 7:40 am
Shots fired at the Christening. Fredo wanted his own table flipping moment on his quest for fame so he ruined his own son's Christening. How is that the definition of family? How is coming on the show and filming with his cousins bad-mouthing his own sister the definition of family? They started something they can't finish - making his sister his only storyline. You make it sound like it's okay cause they were being paid great money. Why cause more family problems? If they wanted to be on tv then go get your own show. Why tear down your own sister for it?
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 9:58 am
He banged the table. But he wasn't trying to fake "family family family" was he? That was Teresa, refusing to sign the contract up to last minute and then turning up and wanting to give kisses. Teresa has always been a fake on camera, from the money she claimed they had, to their fraud, to her marriage and now to her new husband. Outside of being a felon what has Teresa's storyline been since they joined? As I said, she didn't even do RHUGT without Melissa.
September24 April 4, 2023 - 5:03 pm
You forget that besides banging a table he physically assaulted his BIL and ran crying to his father who promptly told him to stop crying like a baby. I didn't see Teresa as being fake at the Christening but very diplomatic and trying to film with her new co-workers.
September24 March 31, 2023 - 3:23 pm
Of course they can reconcile. Once the wh*rgas stop their quest for fame, find new jobs, and stop riding Tre's coattails they can be in the same room together.
Lee C March 31, 2023 - 1:11 pm
I have enough of the Gorgas and their lying. They need to go.
Cathy A March 31, 2023 - 11:35 am
Why is everyone blaming the Gorgas, it takes two, tre and joe r both wrong, that is between them, if they can't get along move on, it is sad, the show is getting to much about these two, let's move on people, there r other people on the show, I can't wait when they go to Ireland, thank God, it will be a change, not listening to all this nonsense, let's laugh and drink and have some beers ladies, then u could start yelling again, luck of the irish.
September24 March 31, 2023 - 3:37 pm
Because the Gorgas came on the show without asking Teresa if she minded if they join her in the workplace. Then the Gorgas proceeded to bad-mouth Teresa, violently physically attack her husband, they even bad-mouthed the Senior Gorga's. Every season their storyline is Teresa. Nothing on their own. Their quest for fame is the reason they get the blame.
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 6:09 am
They didn't need to ask Teresa. She wasn't talking to them at the time, they owed her nothing. What sister wants to stop her brother and his wife from having the same opportunity that she got?
September24 April 3, 2023 - 6:12 am
Every sister would. No-one wants their relatives to show up at their job. And why would the Gorgas want to work with her if they weren't speaking to her? Go find your own opportunity. Don't ride coattails.
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 6:20 am
LOL perhaps in your world. I seriously doubt many people would turn down the opportunity to earn a few hundred thousand a year for a few months work and especially for a toxic SIL like Teresa. Teresa came on this show as a friend of the Manzo/Laurita clan and look how she started treating Caroline and Jacqueline. The Gorgas had every right to join the show and they had Kathy and Rosie to film with. As much as you might like the show to be about Teresa there is an entire cast there and no one owes Teresa anything.
September24 April 3, 2023 - 7:32 am
In everyone's world especially those with boundaries. The Gorgas rarely filmed with the Senior Gorgas because they knew how upset they were with them for their antics. The Gorgas have no shame. They will film with Teresa for a paycheck - they sell their souls for a price. And let's not forget that Teresa's SIL said that this show is about family. Teresa's family is primary. That's why the show stopped filming when Teresa went to prison. They only filmed a special revolved around her. So if the entire cast brought great storylines the show would have remained filming.
TheBeverlyHillsHaveEyes April 3, 2023 - 10:01 am
The senior Gorgas had Teresa and Juicy in their ears. It was very telling when the parents very happily spent time with Joey and Melissa when Teresa was in jail. To the point here Papa Gorga told Melissa that if Teresa can't make it to Christmas Eve dinner at the Gorgas then that's her tough luck. She was in jail for the spin off! It was about Juicy coping with the girls. And someone asked the Gorgas to film in that special too because you can't just rock up and film - it doesn't work like that.
September24 April 4, 2023 - 5:06 pm
The show wasn't called Juicy coping. It was called Teresa checks in. Her brother and SIL just want fame at any cost. No matter how much it hurt her Teresa. They came on bad-mouthing her from day one. And that's the problem.
HousewifeVeteran April 18, 2023 - 1:57 pm
That joke of a special should have been named " Teresa disappoints her family and breaks her mother's heart, leading to her mother's death, cuz she's a FELON who defrauds banks & the US govt"
Nurse Lina Tano March 31, 2023 - 8:04 am
Whoever made that # trend thank you! Bravo does pay attention to the fans, eventually. As for Teresa, i hope she can stick to her boundaries and just keep enjoying her new life. Gorgas bring her nothing but strife. I hope all this comes true. Wow. That would make me enjoy watching the show again.
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