Kelly Dodd Slams Heather and Terry Dubrow After they Announce their Youngest Son is Transgender; Mocks Ace’s Name; Says it’s ‘Child Ab*se’

RHOC's Heather and Kelly

Kelly Dodd is coming after the Dubrows.

The Real Housewives of Orange County alum and her husband, Rick Leventhal, came out swinging against Heather and Terry Dubrow on Monday just days after they announced their youngest son, Ace, formerly Collette, is transgender.

The couple announced this news on Instagram for International Sons Day.

It’s International sons day! We love you, our youngest son, Ace. Our job as parents is to give our kids a safe and supportive environment so they can grow up as healthy, happy, confident, independent humans. Since Ace is a 12-year-old child with a long life ahead of him – we will let him tell his own story someday if he chooses to do so. All we can say is, Ace, we love you so much, and we are proud to be your parents. Your brother and sisters love and support you too.

Well, Kelly and Rick took issue with Heather’s post announcing her 12-year-old son is transgender. On the Monday, March 6 episode of their Daily Smash podcast, Kelly and Rick slammed the Dubrows, calling them “famewhores” who are engaging in “child abuse.”

“Why are you announcing to the world that your 12-year-old daughter wants to be a boy now?” Rick quipped, to which Kelly added: “Yeah. Why are you? Then she’s over here saying she’ll talk to the world when she’s ready. Aren’t you the parent? I mean, obviously not because a 12-year-old can make their own decisions.”

Rick continued, “Not for nothing. But do you really think a 12-year-old should be making decisions about the rest of their life?’

The former Bravoleb agreed, saying, “That is a private family matter that you should have with your 12-year-old daughter.”

She went on to ask: “How many of you think, raise your hand if you think a 12-year-old is capable of making decisions about the rest of their life at 12. A 12-year-old making decisions about the rest of their life. Yes or no?”

“[If] this girl wants to be a boy. Be a boy. If you wanna do whatever you wanna do, that’s fine. But a 12-year-old doesn’t get to call the shots. And I think Heather Dubrow is probably the worst parent on earth to be coming out exploiting her daughter. She sucks so bad in the ratings last year that she is putting this on the show so she can have that woke little mob,” Kelly said.

“But you can go ahead and call yourself a boy name and dress as a boy. But you know, I’m, I’m not putting you on drugs at 12. I’m not blocking your puberty. I’m not gonna alter your body chemistry until you’re old enough to really make these decisions,” Rick noted.

“I find that child ab%se,” Kelly claimed.

Then Kelly went on to mock Ace’s choice of a name before saying Heather and Terry are only going along with this because they want the attention that comes with it.

“First of all, if my daughter came up to me and said she wanted to be a boy, I could probably understand that. But if she said her she wanted to be called named Ace, I’d be like, no. No girl. You are not naming yourself a dog name. Okay? There’s no way you are naming yourself a dog name Ace. I would’ve put a kibosh to the Ace,” Kelly quipped.

“They want attention,” Kelly says of Heather and Terry. “They’re famewhores; the girl couldn’t make it as an actress. She has to be famous. She has to be on these things. And everybody that when she came back this year, she’s getting beat up hard. And it was is everybody was saying it was sad to see what you heard. It’s really sad to see.”

“During the filming of this upcoming season, she gets ganged up on, beat up on. They hired Tamra [Judge] to do this job for her. [The show] is fake. If it would’ve been me, I would’ve been real. But they have to have this woke chick that can’t work with the real one. Shannon [Beador] told me about how [Tamra was] beating up on her, and then she’s over here at Bravo Con kissing [Heather] on the cheek, acting like everything is fine.”

Thoughts on this all? Sound off below!

Kelly Dodd and Rick Leventhal criticized Heather and Terry Dubrow for publicly announcing that their 12-year-old son is transgender. They called them “famewhores” and accused them of engaging in “child abuse.”

Kelly and Rick questioned why Heather would publicly announce her 12-year-old son’s gender identity, suggesting that it should be a private family matter. They also expressed doubt about a 12-year-old’s ability to make lifelong decisions and accused Heather of exploiting her daughter for attention.

Kelly and Rick expressed their disagreement with blocking puberty and altering a child’s body chemistry at a young age. They stated that they would not support such measures until the child is old enough to make informed decisions.

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Rielle April 3, 2023 - 4:02 pm
I forgot about Famewhorgas Imagine being on a TV show and your family is plotting behind your back
Senga March 11, 2023 - 10:01 am
Yes… I love Kelly and I do agree with her on this one I don’t know what the Dubroe’s are thinking about the child is 12 I’m sure as she matures and if this is the case then as an adult she can make that decision and transaction herself PRIVATELY…..just my opinion
Cin March 11, 2023 - 8:59 am
The problem I have is not that Heather's children are trans, bi-racial, etc. My problem is with the parents. Children are very sensitive about their sexuality at this age and their parents are broadcasting to the world before they even have enough time to mature and process who they are.
TA March 8, 2023 - 2:40 pm
Wow, so disgusting by to talk about a child like that, as if he hasn’t been through enough. It’s between the child and their parents, if it’s not affecting your life and both of them are happy then why on earth would you want to go out and say something negative about it? The irony of complaining about Heather using her child for attention when they are using Heathers child for attention. It’s actually quite pathetic
Bettye Cart March 8, 2023 - 1:51 pm
I agree with Kelly. This is such a huge in-your-face problem that is dominating the celebrity world. The young who haven't a REAL clue, I sure didn't at 12, of what they wanna be when THEY GROW UP and they want to reject their biological self? I can still embrace those who are gay and have those as friends but I draw the line when it's kids who have not experimented with analysis and critical thinking and wisdom! This whole kid transgender movement is a rebellion or a name for fame, a need to belong to a group like we all saw during the need to belong in a gang. But THIS is not tribal. It is damaging to mind body and soul and a speculative ideology that comes back to haunt.
Rielle March 7, 2023 - 7:56 pm
No one comes out looking good here
Janice Provetti March 7, 2023 - 2:19 pm
I find issue with it for different reasons. it is Ace's story to tell and it should only be Ace who tells it. She is a control freak that no doubt did that without his permission, reasoning that she is the mother and can do whatever she wants. She is going to use him as a platform for her 'wokeness' and use him as a storyline. Come 18 I guarantee he will not speak to her anymore.
Em Cee March 7, 2023 - 2:58 pm
I think ‘no doubt’ is a stretch… there are many doubts associated with your opinion. I think it is far more likely that this was done with Ace’s permission/blessing. The DuBrow kids would be far less open if their parents ‘outed’ their personal matters every chance they got. Maybe Ace is comfortable celebrating who he is now that he’s living his authentic self. After appearing on tv as their former self, it probably feels nice to be recognized as who they are. There’s also the tiktok with Brynn Hoppy..
Janice Provetti March 7, 2023 - 3:30 pm
Ok. I will take your word for it.
Stacy Estes March 7, 2023 - 5:05 pm
I have to agree with Kelly and Rick on this one. I have no issue with being who ever you want but at 12 nothing should be done to help them transition
Fuzzy Peanut March 8, 2023 - 5:56 am
It is child abuse to help them transition at that age.
Steve March 7, 2023 - 4:26 pm
I almost never agree with Kelly and even in this instance, I don't agree with much of what she said. (Leave the kid's choice of a name alone!) But I do agree with her here that the Dubrow's simply want the attention and want to change this season's supposed story line of Heather being bashed. Children should be off-limits on these shows -- and that includes being off-limits for their own parents to talk about such an intimate, personal and private subject.
Cathy A Martinez March 7, 2023 - 3:51 pm
I think it is sad when uhave to use your child, for your own guilt trip, I do not believe that this does not bother her, she wants everything perfect, all u have to do is listen to her and how she acts, but let's talk about Terry the father of these children, is he ever around except two nights for dinner, I feel also for nick his son the oldest child ,have u ever seen him spend time with this great guy, now he is off to college, I personally believe u can have all the moneriguty in the world but u can't have it all, come on, now they have 3 girls that really don't know what they r, they say they do, but all three still to young, I wish them the best , but get your priorities right, get it together people.
GinaNY March 7, 2023 - 3:10 pm
Kelly is right.
Cin March 7, 2023 - 2:49 pm
This is not her story to tell. It's her child's story and who who WHO would stand in front of the world and talk about their 12 year old child's sexuality. Nothing is sacred anymore.
Em Cee March 7, 2023 - 11:53 am
Couldn’t even read it all. Kelly mf Dodd is one to be calling anyone the worst parent in the world. Intentionally misgendering and mocking Ace DuBrow is disgusting. Cancel cancel cancel!
Chill March 7, 2023 - 2:45 pm
Sorry but I respectively disagree. I think Kelly got it right on this one. A 12 year old child deserves their privacy, parents should not be garnering attention from their children.
Rielle March 7, 2023 - 7:57 pm
She is actually not misgendering. Ace is a girl rather if it hurt yours feelings or not. But Heather, Terry, Kelly & Rick are all attention whores.
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