Well – we definitely aren’t in the OC anymore!
We left off last week with a trip to the hospital, where Vicki Gunvalson suffered from a mystery medical emergency. It was so mysterious even the doctors couldn’t diagnose her…
We keep the crazy train going this week with Peggy who is refusing to go to the final dinner in Iceland as she is upset with the women and thinks they were making fun of her. I’m thinking Peggy is going to be a one season wonder. I don’t think she has what it takes to hang with these ladies and doesn’t gel with the cast.
After locking herself up like Belle from ‘Beauty and the Best’ she finally goes to Lydia’s room and tells Lydia that the women were laughing at her. She could have stopped there, but continues saying that Meghan was letting her baby cry without anyone to care for her. What is with everyone criticizing Meghan’s parenting skills this season?
Peggy carries on with her crazy delusions by showing ‘video evidence’ of the women laughing, supposedly at Peggy. I seriously hope Peggy isn’t going to go all ‘Carrie’ on the ladies for laughing at her, as she seems like she’s about to lose it. She also accuses Kelly of slandering her father. Maybe it’s being so far from Diko but I think it’s time for Peggy to get back to the OC stat!
I’m not a huge Lydia fan; however was impressed that Lydia tried to talk some sense into Peggy. Peggy unfortunately was not having it and continued to believe her delusions. Peggy decides to skip out on dinner which I’m sure the ladies were probably relieved at. Lydia is compassionate towards Peggy and decides to stay and eat with her. It could have ended there; however Peggy can’t be sane when in Iceland, so voila! Peggy decides she wants to go to the group dinner. I mean what?!?
The group dinner is quite the feast and the ladies having having a great time – Viking style! Being a housewives dinner, of course there has to be some drama and Shannon and Vicki begin to go at it. I have no doubt that Shannon’s crumbling marriage has made her all the more sensitive towards Tamra ‘abandoning’ her for Vicki. Tamra still isn’t 100% team Vicki, as Vicki has never acknowledged that Brooks ruined their friendship (and Vicki’s credibility.)
Vicki makes a sad attempt at an apology to Shannon at the request of Tamra. Shannon ‘accepts’ Vicki’s apology but we all know when the reunion comes around the two will be going at it again.
Lydia and Peggy make their appearance and Kelly attempts to apologize to Peggy. Peggy isn’t having it which makes me wonder – why did she come if she didn’t want to make up with the women or enjoy the meal? Peggy then ignores all of Lydia’s well thought out advice and brings up her secret video footage and accuses Meghan of being a bad mom. Yep – this is going to go over well!
The ladies understandably are not team Peggy right now and Peggy thinks its because they ‘don’t understand.’ No Peggy – I think it’s you who doesn’t understand. The perfectly good Viking feast is ruined and Vicki leaves with Peggy tagging along. So concludes our Icelandic adventure with the ladies of the Bravo!
Back in the OC, we continue to see the Beador marriage crumble (something that is official now.) Lydia’s mother Judy is, well – being Judy! And over at Peggy’s palace, we see her rehashing her version of events (because that’s pretty much her favorite thing to do.)
Peggy is upset that Vicki did not have her back as she thought she should. After all – Peggy ditched dinner to go see Vicki in the hospital. We all know that Vicki isn’t the best of friends to have around, so while none of the viewers are surprised, Peggy is. I think we all know where this is going to pick up next week…
Thoughts on the Iceland trip?
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