This past Sunday aired the part three special for Real Housewives of New Jersey star, Teresa Giudice. During the special, Teresa’s brother and sister-in-law Melissa Gorga made many appearances. A little more than most would want to see. During the finale, Joe Gorga went and visited his sister after being approved to do so. Melissa Gorga seemed a bit upset that she wasn’t approved and kept mentioning that she hasn’t been approved by Teresa to visit her in prison. After the episode aired, Melissa took to twitter to explain that she understands why she wasn’t on the list. See what she had to say below
She even made sure to add how big of a heart her husband has.
I would hope Joe would have a big heart considering it his only sister that is behind bars. I don’t know why Melissa is very surprised that she hasn’t been approved. She’s been making comments and she is clearly irritated by this. But why would Teresa waste a visit on her sister-in-law who is faker than fake with her? Do you think Melissa should have been added on the list?
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