Real Househusband of Beverly Hills, and Joyce Giraud’s real-life Superhero, Michael Ohoven, took to his Twitter to shut down Carlton Gebbia and her “silly” threats. We reported earlier this week, tweets of Carlton trying to intimidate Michael by brining up her own husband, and Michael pretty much told Carlton, he doesn’t care. LOL Check it OUT!
Michael is right. Carlton is a fool. She had a HUGE platform, to educate the girls, and everyone else about her faith, yet she chose to be mean and bitter. I think Carlton came with an agenda on the show, and that agenda was to be attacked for her faith, so she could be this victim that everyone felt sorry for. When that didn’t happen, she forced a fight with Kyle and acted like the victim she wanted to be from the get-go. What are your thoughts on Carlton? Do you want to see her back next season?