Talk about being an ass kisser! Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Carlton Gebbia took to her blog to do what she does best-bash Kyle Richards! Carlton blasts Kyle for going after Lisa Vanderpump at the reunion. That’s not all! Carlton is super thankful about her friendship with Lisa that probably won’t last after she’s officially booted off of the show! Carlton says, ”
“I’d be lying if I didn’t say thank god this Reunion is finally done! Unfortunately couldn’t get a bloody word in edgewise, so I may as well put it down here.
Oh and by the way what I say next is in no particular order of this final reunion.
Overall it was quite amusing sitting there and watching Kyle bouncing around on the couch like a caged animal ready to pounce, as she’s snarling at me and then at Lisa, blaming her for her husband’s tabloids. Slightly misplaced anger I say. Whining about how it could damage her life, her family, her husband and her business. Yes here it comes. . .Really??? You mean like calling someone Anti-Semitic! A deliberate and calculated attack on my character and family which only goes to prove my point about this vile woman.
It is interesting that when Kyle tells Lisa that whenever she’s talking Lisa interrupts because she doesn’t want people to hear the truth. But all I’ve witnessed is Kyle bellowing over Lisa and I whenever we want to answer or say anything. How can anyone get a word in, let alone a sentence with this crap. Seems like she’s the one who doesn’t want anyone to hear the truth. So yes I sit there wondering when this dull pain will be over. Some interception would have been nice too! Lisa made an excellent point to her (Kyle) about a popularity contest regarding me. God knows I wasn’t popular and yet Lisa befriended me waaaay before Puerto Rico. . .hmmmm?
But Kyle cant stop herself from insulting Lisa yet again about saying she had no one and no friends and that’s why she saw me after PR. In her mind, she has convinced herself that the only reason Lisa called me from PR upset was because Lisa knew in advance that we would be sitting next to each other on this couch today??? I’m thinking medication at this point and a really pretty white muumuu wrapped around really tightly.
As soon as I called out Kyle on her part in the obvious “gang up” she again resorts to name calling and (yet again) insulting my religious beliefs. That is why I called her a bigot — and deservedly so. This woman is completely incapable of showing any respect or tolerance for any religion that is different. I don’t believe in baseless labels, but when they are absolutely dead-on, then yes I will call someone out as that.
Then there’s Kyle viciously bellowing at Lisa “You did me wrong. I didn’t do you wrong.” Bloody Hell. Kyle why so angry? And to tell me, as I defend Lisa which obviously makes her taste blood, that “no one cares” about me and “neither does Lisa” and “be quiet.” She is trash! Kyle definitely has a Pack Mentality.
Yes so Yolanda twice tries to stop me from engaging or commenting. In retrospect I’m not OK with that. After 12 long hours, I wished I had said something. With all due respect, I didn’t need to be told “let them go at it” or “stay out of it” when I wanted to defend firstly my family’s name and then also Lisa. I’m involved in this argument and I didn’t like what was going down. I certainly didn’t need permission, as everyone else was interjecting.
I know Kyle is screaming about giving this tabloid drama a platform this whole season, but the only one who did that was Kyle herself. And Let’s be fair, Lisa was not the the one who brought up the tabloid rumors on camera at my luncheon nor was she the one who had the tabloid in her home.
Now I have to deal with this idiotic excuse of a man Michael as he also begins to insult my religious beliefs and chastise me. I’ve met this man maybe three or four times at best, maybe had a total of 10 minutes exchange of words. We’ve had no real interaction and unfortunately you don’t get to see him, Joyce, and Kyle all going at me at the same time. All three mouths shouting and insulting my religion yet again. Horrid beings to say the least. But I can assure you that this man would have been talking out of the other side of his face had my husband been there, who was away on business. But being the coward he is who just likes to argue and engage with only woman I doubt he would have uttered a word. There has been more than enough evidence that Michael prefers to argue and insult women rather than men.
Joyce now denying comparing gods is a blatant lie, evident by her talking head when she says “I have a God that is so much more powerful than any witch in the world.” Between the three of them, they have insulted and dismissed an organized religion where by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world are practicing Pagans and Wiccans. A religion that is recognized in the United States Military. What are they not getting? It’s really not good karma to keep insulting my religion Wicca and Paganism as they do.
Funny enough Michael has tried to engage with me before, but of course when I directed him to my husband, there was absolute silence. That alone spoke volumes to his character. I do think Michael is confused by his Housewife status. It must be very hard coming down from being an award winning producer to now just being the husband of a very young and pretty housewife. But at least he has Twitter to occupy his time now.
If he got sick it’s probably more accurate to assume he needs to change his dietary habits, rather than give me the credit. And if this insulting excuse of a man thinks that what I believe in and practice since I was a child is done for shock valve, then I guess the jokes on him. Wasn’t he the one having his house blessed by a pastor and a rabbi and wasn’t he wearing a talisman for protection? There is no end to the dumb remarks this man makes. Saying that I embarrass my religion? How dare he make that determination from not even knowing me at all. I don’t know what faith he is nor do I care. Yes my faith is one of harmony, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit and be quiet and listen to an onslaught of insults and turn the other cheek. I do not wish harm on anyone irregardless of my religion or otherwise. I just rely on karma for that. I’ve had a lot of Wiccas and Pagans reach out to me horrified and equally insulted by Michael, Kyle, and Joyce’s attacks on my faith.
Oh and now suddenly he personally knows Wiccans. Sure of that as much as I believe in his near home invasion story.
I look back at the despicable behavior of Kyle Richards and am now not surprised by her asinine behavior. After all, why would I be shocked by what she’s called me when she can publicly humiliate her own sister, her own flesh and blood, Kim by viciously outing her on camera for the world to view. That is exactly who Kyle is, no moral compass what so ever.
Please understand I didn’t discuss my religion until this journey began other than family and close friends purely for the reasons I’m dealing with: ignorance and prejudice. People for the most part fear what they don’t understand. Even as a young as seven, I remember getting taunted at school for being different, being called “witchy.” My grandmother told me to keep quiet. So I did until my late teens. I never wore my beliefs on my sleeve, so to speak, but if I was asked I wouldn’t deny it either. As I got older people were more receptive, but It is shocking to me that I’m dealing with such bloody mindedness at my age with these three. Sadly there will always be religious bigotry and intolerance.
So the end of a very interesting and challenging experience. I will say I have really enjoyed getting to know Lisa. I love her sense of humor and style and we have definitely had our giggles on and off camera. Ken and Lisa have always been very kind and supportive and my husband has enjoyed getting to know them too.
I also have enjoyed Yolanda and have great respect for the way she has raised such sweet and well-adjusted children — and of course having spent time with Brandi and her lovely boys, she really is a great mum and at the end of the day that is all that matters. My personal experience with Kim has always been a positive one and I really like her too.
If I could change anything, it would have been that your introduction to me was more than the one-dimensional being that you saw. I never wanted my faith to be such a focal point and definitely not for it to be treated so disrespectfully constantly. I would have loved to have introduced you to a more educational and insightful view of the beauty of Wicca and Paganism. I would have liked to have had more fun with this group — but that was a tough one. Maybe to have shown the more glamorous side of Beverly Hills. And definitely for you to have seen a little more of my gorgeous husband David and our magical children, Destiny, Mysteri and Cross.
No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs are, one should never be judged based upon that. there are no reasons why all religions cannot coexist.
Whatever the outcome I have met some wonderful women and so many amazing tweeting gorgeous souls along the way because of this journey.”
At this point, Carlton’s just looking for a reaction and I am o-v-e-r it! Thoughts on what the witch Carlton had to say?