Yesterday a source confirmed what we’d already pretty much taken as fact, that Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars Brandi and Yolanda had had a falling out with Lisa! Brandi took to Twitter saying that she was having dinner with Lisa last night, which made us wonder if this was a random rumor to promote season four, or if there was any truth to the story.
It turns out that the “dinner” was a prior commitment that had to be fulfilled! The ladies did NOT meet for dinner as friends, but rather, because Brandi’s charity auction winners had been promised a dinner at Villa Blanca with Lisa! Can’t back out of that one.
Brandi tweeted:
@loribuckmajor I was out with the cancer charter oscar dress bidder. 🙂
— Brandi Glanville (@BrandiGlanville) September 4, 2013
When a viewer approached Brandi about her falling out with Lisa, she admitted to “hiccups” but says she loves Lisa:
@charleegirly @LisaVanderpump I will always love her but sometimes friends have hic-ups.
— Brandi Glanville (@BrandiGlanville) September 4, 2013
So it’s pretty much confirmed now. Do you think this feud is real, or is it for a storyline? On the flip side, was the friendship exaggerated for the show, or was it authentic?!