Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville has had some very public drama with LeAnn Rimes who had an affair with Brandi’s ex Eddie Cibrian. Although the two have had some problems, LeAnn decided to send Brandi some flowers over to Brandi’s for Mothers Day and Brandi sort of thanked her.
Brandi randomly tweeted, “I thanked @leannrimes on twitter4 my flowers.Our relationship is that we still dont even say hi at baseball.I dont have her number-thats it.”
Only Brandi really didn’t thank LeAnn because there is no thank you’s directed to LeAnn anywhere on her twitter feed. LeAnn responded to a fan on twitter and explained that was actually Brandi’s first acknowledgment of the flowers saying, “this was actually the first acknowledgement of my gesture I was made aware of. I didn’t see anything else sent to me. It wasn’t for the “thank you.” It was to just simply say Happy Mothers Day.”
Now I know I’m very hard on LeAnn Rimes but I got to give it to LeAnn for sending Brandi flowers. I do think that was the right thing to do. Brandi Glanville later took to twitter to make a comment directed obviously for LeAnn saying, “Studying for my part in a made for T.V. movie shooting in the AM, maybe I will meet my future ex-husband (its happened before) #justsaying.” Innnnteresting. I’ll be honest. These two don’t ever seem like they will work out there differences! Thoughts on LeAnn sending Brandi flowers?=