Mob Wives star Renee Graziano stopped by to do an interview with to discuss what happened with her father returning to jail and answers if she’ll ever speak to Junior again
They start off by discussing the Mob Bust and Renee immediately says how her ‘son’s father’ is responsible for it and responsible for putting her father in jail. Renee reveals that she does not forgive Junior. Renee explains just because he’s a ‘rat’ and ‘snitch’ that it has nothing to do with her or her son. The host then says she would never think from seeing Junior on the show that he would ‘snitch’ and Renee agreed by saying, ‘neither did I!’
Renee explains that her father got arrested November 21st but what broke her down is when everyone got arrested after that. She reveals that on November 21st she had no idea her son’s father was cooperating and involved. She thought they were just rumors. She says in the beginning of February she couldn’t breathe and her ‘body just shut down’
Renee says her son AJ is handling it well. He’s a trooper and that even though he’s 17 he’s more of a man then most men.
They ask Renee if she will ever talk to Junior again. Renee responds that it’s a dead issue. Renee says she stands by her father.
Renee was then asked if she ever wondered why Junior would agree to be on the show considering Renee’s dad was so against it to begin with. It’s very hard for Renee to answer this because she says she has never been asked the question. Renee says, she thought he was doing the show for her but obviously that wasn’t the case….
What would you do if you were in Renee’s position? How would you react? Thoughts?