Happy hump day OC fans! I hope your week is going better than the ladies of the OC as this was a pretty dark and depressing episode.
We start off with Kelly still unable to forgive Vicki for spreading rumors at last season’s reunion about her allegedly doing cocaine. I admit that is a very nasty rumor to spread so I don’t blame Kelly one bit for being livid; however with that being said the mafia style/pig video was definitely not the way to go. #JustSaying
While Tamra is rummaging through boxes and old wedding dresses, her friends have baggage of their own as Gina goes over to Emily’s to get some pretty dark secrets off her chest. After Emily revealed that she and Shane have some serious disconnects in their marriage (he may be the only husband who wouldn’t be thrilled at his wife planning a sexy Vegas night for him) Gina revealed that Emily’s problems were nothing compared to her own.
Last season many viewers (including myself) thought Gina’s divorce from Matt was odd and that she wasn’t being truthful. Turns out we were correct as she was protecting Matt from the viewers and her children finding out about his affair. Apparently Gina was even ready to move past Matt’s affair until she discovered a Valentine’s Day card from the other woman, making it very clear the two were still seeing each other and even were in love. It was a heartbreaking scene but I think by revealing her secrets Gina really felt free from carrying that secret around for so long:
Braunwyn and Shannon meet for lunch and the two bond over their parenting philosophies changing after their daughters ran into tough times which made the mothers realize what was really important. We learn more about Braunwyn’s daughter’s past and how that has influenced her to start a business designing dance wear. So far I’m really liking Braunwyn and Sean as they seem natural fits for the OC. I hope that what we see is what we get with these two as so far, so good!
While Kelly is in Aspen with her daughter Jolie, the rest of the ladies meet for tequila which is NEVER a good idea in this group. When it comes to tequila these women break ankles, pee their pants and get into screaming matches. Can we all agree that tequila = no bueno for this group?
Proving my point, we get some awkward/gross kisses in the group followed by a very dark conversation involving Kelly Dodd who is not at the table to defend herself. It starts off with the ladies telling Vicki that both she and Kelly give very low blows and it needs to stop (which I totally agree.) Vicki then decides to hint that cocaine wasn’t even the worst of what she knows about Kelly to which Gina insists is once again yet another low blow. By Vicki hinting that cocaine was only half of what she knows about Kelly, we are all going to speculate as to what Kelly did that was so bad. By Vicki saying “I’m not going to say what she did” is almost just as bad as outright saying if – just an FYI for you Vicki. Tamra is clearly feeling the tequila and asks Vicki if she is referring to the train to which Vicki turns ballistic, appalled that Tamra would even bring it up. Apparently something happened involving a “choo choo train” (Vicki’s word choice) and it was so damaging that she Shannon and Tamra decided never to mention it (or at least until tequila was poured.) If you’re into theories you can easily google what many people think this secret is or you can wait for the next few episodes.
Can’t we go back into a simpler time when we were just throwing wine at each other vs. publicly airing potentially damaging rumors?
What were your thoughts on the episode? Do you feel this season has got to be too dark?
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