We all know that birthday’s are major celebrations in the housewives world, so when Tamra Judge recently celebrated her’s, fans were quick to notice a former bestie noticeably missing from the fun.
Shannon and Tamra have had a rocky relationship this season, compared to the past when the two had been thick as thieves. When Tamra posted a photo of her birthday celebration, many quickly pointed out the fact that Shannon was absent from the festivities while Gina Kirschenheiter and Kelly Dodd were there. So what gives?
Although there is no official confirmation that Tamra extended an invite, Shannon did reveal she was too sick to attend, as the same night she posted the following photo revealing she was in bed with a fever the day of Tamra’s party. Luckily her dog Archie was there to help nurse her back to health:
I’m hoping this is the reason Shannon did not attend and that the two aren’t still on the outs. They have a great friendship and I would hate to see (yet another) real housewives friendship be thrown out the window due to some petty drama. I suppose we will have to wait until the reunion to get the full story!
Thoughts on Tamra and Shannon’s friendship this season? Do you think Tamra is justified in her frustrations with Shannon? Do you think that their friendship will last?
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