Throughout the seventh season of The Real Housewives of New York City, viewers have seen tensions growing between Bethenny Frankel and Heather Thomson. Drama between the two came to a climax during the ladies’ trip to the Berkshires to celebrate Dorinda Medley’s birthday. What didn’t we see between Bethenny and Heather on this trip?
During an interview with Wetpaint, Heather was first asked why she was so intent on having Bethenny eat dinner. During the trip, Bethenny was annoyed by Heather trying to help her find something to eat since Bethenny is allergic to shellfish.
“When we sat down at the meal, the lightbulb in my head went off. I was like, ‘Oh my God we’re having a six course sushi dinner,'” Heather said. “My friend Michael happened to be the chef. So, I said, ‘Bethenny, you’re allergic to fish with fins. You’re not going to be able to eat it.'”
Heather said that this was just a whisper to Bethenny, but the episode only showed Heather making a bigger deal about the situation which made her look pushy and bitchy.
Viewers also saw Heather with a disgusted look on her face when Bethenny surprised the girls by coming to the Berkshires, but Heather said this was not what really happened.
Heather continued, “I was the first person to greet Bethenny when she walked through that door. I didn’t have that sour puss on my face.”
Heather was then asked about Bethenny’s attempts to try to help Sonja Morgan and whether or not they will work.
“I hope that she could,” Heather said. “Sonja doesn’t feel the women on the show have true genuine concern for her, and that is not true. Any feeling I have for Sonja is concern. What I’ve decided is that I need to love Sonja from a far.”
What do you think about what Heather had to say? Does hearing what was left out of the Berkshires episode change your opinion about her feud with Bethenny?
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