Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice recently celebrated her 41st birthday and photos from her party were featured on Star Magazine. Once photos came out, some viewers accused Teresa of selling more stories to magazines. Teresa is now denying selling photos/stories tweeting,
“OMG people telling me blogs are writing stories about me selling photos to the tabloids now. Not true. Sorry, didn’t mean to be confusing…I said “ask the photographer” b/c I think they get paid by the mags, but I didn’t. Didn’t sell mine or Gia’s bday party photos. If a mag asks you to do a special photo shoot, *sometimes* you get paid. U don’t get paid for spontaneous shots. The photog does. IDK maybe some people get cuts with the photogs but not me. I just love pretty pics! Just liked the happy family pics in Star. #PinkieSwear. Maybe I should look into this and start making $ off pics! I’ll call the paps to my driveway and fake pose in my underwear. Any takers? lol. Come to think of it, I wish I got paid every time I was in a pic in a mag. I’d be rich. Verrrry rich.”
Makes sense. I don’t think any magazine would pay every single person they feature on their mag! Most of the time-people will be willing to pay the mag to be featured LOL kidding. But seriously. I feel bad that Teresa has to even clear up the rumors because people are constantly attacking her for every thing she does. Thoughts on Teresa denying selling photos?