Adrienne Maloof was a no show to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion this season. She is the second housewife to not show up to the anticipated reunion despite it being on her contract. Jacqueline Laurita was the first housewife not to be a no show but Andy never really addressed it. Andy did however say he wasn’t pleased with Adrienne Maloof for not showing up!
When asked by a viewer via twitter if he was pleased with Jacqueline Laurita not skipping out on the reunion, he told the viewer, “I wasn’t, but two different situations.”
The viewer responded, “Andy, would u at least agree that a precedent was set with Jac? Any HW can refuse reunion appearance following Jac Laurita’s lead. Right?”
Andy then said, “I can’t comment about contract stuff but it was addressed don’t worry about it.”
Thoughts on Andy commenting on the housewives skipping the reunions?