And so another season has come to an end! Monday aired part two reunion of The Real Housewives of Orange County and to say it was dramatic would probably be an understatement! So let’s begin
Gretchen Vs Alexis: Fox 5 segment. It’s clear that both ladies were lied to from Fox 5 so instead of going at each others throats they should probably realize that they were both being played by producers. It’s just common sense! It’s sad there friendship is over but everything happens for a reason..right?!
Alexis Bellino: I’ll be honest, Alexis was never my favorite person but you can’t help but feel bad for her. She’s trying her best and the ladies are putting her down in anyway that they can
Brooks Ayers: Oh that Brooks. I do believe Brooks is an opportunist but I think Vicki is happy so allow Vicki to be happy and let her get hurt on her own. Vicki deserves all the BS coming to her just because she did it to Gretchen and got involved in other peoples lives. Brooks defense was that he was protecting his “lady” from an eye roll. This has got to be a joke! It has to be! An eye roll? I’m sure Vicki can handle herself, Brooks.
Briana: Who doesn’t love Briana? She’s just so…normal! I must admit, it was shocking to see her reveal all those things about Vicki because if that was my mama I’d shut up and say nothing. It was also shocking to hear Donn was having an affair for 20 years. It makes no sense why Vicki would stay with him knowing that.
Heather Dubrow: I just don’t want to see her back. I get it some people like her so called “class” but I find her to be absolutely annoying!
Tamra Barney: I don’t think Tamra should have revealed the whole drama regarding Cabo. I think it was inappropriate but Vicki had it coming..
Overall how did everyone enjoy the season? Who do you want to see return? What was the most shocking part about the reunion? Let’s Discuss!