RHONY Recap: Look Who’s Arguing at Dinner

Real Housewives of New York

Bienvenido a Cartagena!

When we left off, Bethenny was having a panic attack, Carole pretty much confirmed she was done with B and Tinsley was celebrating an anniversary. So what do we have in store for tonight? Well, let’s begin….

Bethenny continues to have a meltdown and I’m confused as to what the trigger is or what the hell is going on. She seems to be breaking down for no apparent reason leaving everyone that is watching is scratching their heads.

The New York ladies decide to see how Cartagena shopping compares to Fifth Ave. and Bethenny bucks up and decides to join them. Everyone is annoyed with Bethenny’s spoiled brat attitude ruining the Colombia trip and I’m with them at this point. Can we get some laughter and fun – is that too much to ask of a vacation?? Carole tells Dorinda that she can’t deal with her nonstop breakdowns and she’s pretty much over their friendship at this point. Bethenny and Sonja have a private convo and Sonja continues to be the straw that stirs the drink pot and tell B what the other girls are thinking. Bethenny then lashes out and calls Carole ‘America’s house guest’ as apparently she took her on a few trips. That insult felt like a reach and left me confused. I don’t know why Bethenny can’t do some self-reflection and realize that maybe she just needs a good old fashioned attitude change with a side of humble pie.

After trying to purchase some street drugs, B and Sonja meet the ladies for lunch. While waiting for the paella, Bethenny has yet another breakdown while on the phone with Dennis and admits she is acting like a crazy person. Dennis seems to have the magic touch and calms her down just in time for the king of all paellas to arrive. Although the food looks great the atmosphere is beyond awkward and it’s clear that Bethenny is not welcome. While half the ladies leave to get massages we are left with the OG’s of Bethenny, Ramona, Luann and Sonja. They toast to their original group and make some snarky remarks about Tinsley and her glam squad. #Haters

Later that evening, Carole lures Sonja to her room by dangling earrings in front of her face; however really wants to get the scoop on what’s going on with Bethenny. Sonja reveals that B feels Carole is not empathetic and doesn’t want anything to do with their friendship. The break in their friendship seems to be death by a thousand cuts vs. one epic fight so we don’t really gain too much info in this conversation. Perhaps the reunion will reveal more?

The ladies are glammed up and are ready for a night out and apparently Bethenny has Colombian fans as someone gifts her with a neon balloon. Over dinner, Sonja continues to earn her title as the straw that stirs the drink pot and tells Bethenny about her conversation with Carole. Instead of breaking down, Bethenny decides she doesn’t care and refuses to discuss it. Over a beautiful meal, Luann remains sober while the other ladies order drinks which Bethenny finds odd. Luann insists that others drinking does not bother her so the ladies keep throwing them back.

Carole and Dorinda go for a smoke break to discuss Bethenny and Carole seems baffled as to what went wrong in their relationship. She returns to the table and addresses the elephant in the room and confronts Bethenny. Bethenny gives some weird analogy and it all goes to hell from there. Bethenny doesn’t want to do this conversation in front of everyone and I get her point as it has turned into a group event. On the other end of the table, Luann and Dorinda get into it over the word ‘charming’ and Dorinda goes from zero sixty out of nowhere and rubs Luann’s divorce and arrest right in her face. Yeah Dorinda – you’re not winning friend of the year anytime soon. I love Ms. Medley but a drunk Dorinda is a nasty one and is nothing like her sober self. Dorinda throws a drink at Luann and I’m baffled as to how aggressive she got with Luann who is trying to stay sober.

Between Carole Vs. Bethenny and Dorinda Vs. Luann it’s pretty much WWIII and I think we can all agree on two things: Bethenny and Carole’s friendship is over and Dorinda needs to cut back on drinking. This beautiful dinner has turned into a disaster and doesn’t seem to have any hope of being resurrected. Dorinda then goes after Ramona as Ramona tried to tell her she had enough to drink (which she has) and this is definitely not Dorinda’s best look. I’m curious to what she will have to say about her behavior at the reunion.

Bethenny then starts crying (again) and Carole leaves this conversation just as confused and baffled as when it started. Shockingly Tinsley agrees with Dorinda in her argument with Luann as Tins says Lu has been sober for a hot minute and can’t school anyone on being sober. Once it’s laid out I actually get her point as Lu shouldn’t be shaming anyone when she doesn’t have a lot of room to talk.

Back at the house Bethenny visits Lu for a pajama party and it’s Lu’s turn to break down in tears as she is horrified at what Dorinda called her. Bethenny then tells Lu about Dorinda’s embarrassing drunken dinner with her PR charity team and the two think she has some inner demons she is fighting. I’ll be the first to admit that Dorinda is nasty when she’s drunk; however I do agree with Tinlsey that Luann doesn’t have a ton of room to talk on decorum. The two think that Dorinda needs help and from what we’ve seen they may be right.

Dorinda then keeps drinking at the house when Carole comes in to have a chat. Dorinda is feeling shameful for what she said to Lu; however feels that Lu owes her an apology. It’s hard to take her seriously when she is flat out drunk with red lipstick smeared all over her face looking like a circus clown. Bethenny tries to diffuse the situation by telling Dorinda how much Lu loves her and wisely tells her to ‘make it nice.’

Thoughts on Cartagena so far? Let’s discuss!

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