RHONJ Recap – Not Over It!

The Real Housewives

Welcome back to Jersey!

We start out with Marge back from a business trip. Not sure how I feel about Margaret yet but I do love how she is a kick-ass entrepreneur/business woman. Get it girl! We also learn that Marge is the man in the relationship and Joe is the girl (that would never fly in the Gorga house.) Her friend recaps Siggy’s party and the public shaming of Melissa and fight with Danielle.

Over at Dolores we see one of the most bizarre relationships out there. Frankie states his friends think his parents are swingers while Frank is acting like a protective father towards his ex-wife. Dolores has a new boyfriend but admits that Frank is still the love of her life. Is it just me or do you think Dolores is still in love with him? I mean she lets the man live wit her! Dolores is upset that Tre didn’t believe her with the Danielle fight, but Frank knocks some sense in her by saying she’s got a lot on her plate so let it go.

At the new Gorga restaurant Joey Gorga finally gets his dream of seeing his name in lights. All kidding aside, I did tear up when seeing Ginocinto so emotional over the restaurant and the photos of his late wife. I think the family restaurant is a beautiful tribute to Antonia.

Melissa continues to not do anything right, including picking a photo that Tre does not approve of. Tre then gives a huge insult by saying Melissa is only Gorga by injection. Tre is clearly losing it and taking out her frustrations on her sister in law. I think this may be the first time (ever) that I’m taking Melissa’s side.

Tre blows off some steam by bikini shopping with Gia. The Giudice family is going to Puerto Rico as an escape for the family. Gia has some teenage angst and clearly showing she is her own person by rejecting everything her mom shows her. Gia seems to take Zia Melissa’s side by telling Tre she is not strict enough with her siblings. Tre reveals she wasn’t to be more fun with her kids as she grew up so strict.

Siggy is meeting her adorable parents for dinner and vents about her son. Siggy desperately wants to be close to her son; however Siggy’s parents remind her that she pulled away as well. Joshua may be emotionally pulling away but Siggy left the country to get away from her family.

Over at Casa Giudice Joey and Melissa come over and Teresa gives a half baked apology. Tre admits she was mad about her parenting being criticized but Joey is taking Melissa’s side on this one. They quickly move on and the Gorgas talk about their upcoming tasting for her restaurant. Something is obviously going to happen at the tasting between the Siggy/cake fiasco and Dolores’ loyalty being questions.

Siggy and Michael are having a romantic dinner to celebrate their anniversary. Michael states he wants Siggy to pull back on her work, but Siggy is envisioning overnight retreats to empower women. Michael isn’t thrilled about it but Siggy wants to follow her passion. Michael seems to come around but obviously wants his wife at home. Maybe he should vent to Joe Gorga?

‘Marge in Charge’ is designing her shoe collection and reveals the secret to her success is people constantly underestimating her. We get a glimpse of the Milan trip as Margaret is going overseas for her new collection.

The Gorgas are getting ready for their tasting but the Flicker/Campanella clan isn’t thrilled to go due to the events in Florida. Dolores apparently is going to the event, not with her boyfriend, but with her ex-husband. Seriously – are these two getting back together or not??

Marge and Joe are the first to arrive and Mr. Gorga is liking what he’s seeing! Siggy and Michael arrive next followed by Danielle and her new boy toy. Danielle goes right for the jugular and puts Tre on the spot by asking who she believes. Siggy is flipping out that people are even considering to doubt Dolores.

Before the fighting gets to a boiling peak, Joe Gorga steps in and gives a sweet and passionate speech about the restaurant. I sincerely hope that the restaurant is a success for them.

During the tasting, Siggy states she needs a knife so Margaret can continue to stab her in the back. Dolores finally shows and seems to be dragging her feet, but comes out of loyalty. Dolores and Siggy gossip with Joey Gorga and recap the Florida trip. Margaret can hear the gossip from across the room and comes to confront them. Siggy decides to take back her apology and reveals she is not over it. Siggy insults Margaret’s business and loses it then decides to leave. Dolores follows and Danielle then decides to go after Dolores (for no reason.) Danielle wants to know why Dolores lives with her ex and seems to doubt she has a boyfriend. I have no idea why Danielle is after Dolores but the poor Gorga tasting is ruined.

What are your thoughts on the episode? Let’s discuss!

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