RHOC Recap: Mystic Mistake!

Real Housewives of Orange County

Welcome back to the OC! Last’s night episode was packed with some drama and craziness so lets recap and discuss!

We start out with Lydia talking about Nobleman magazine (which is pretty much all she does this season) and hinting at the upcoming trip to Iceland. We move on to Tamra getting frustrated with her new bestie Shannon and the fact that she can’t let anything go (have to agree with Tamra here.) Shannon is kinda a mess this season and the fact that she lashed out at Tamra for simply talking about the meltdown shows that Shannon’s problems run deep. I’m thinking that Shannon is taking out her anger on her husband David on everyone else and it’s not a pretty look.

On the other side of town Vicki is getting her heart checked due to the stresses in her life. We get a nice montage of how crazy Vicki is and she insinuates the girls stress her so much that she may get a stroke. Is this similar to Shannon blaming Vicki for her weight gain?

Now to Meghan and her candle business (I’m shocked this business is still alive to be honest.) We get introduced to a mystic reader who is going to read the ladies’ auras. Peggy is not interesting in the psychic and immediately shuts her down. Vicki didn’t show as the psychic apparently scared her away (and who can blame her after what happened with Brooks?) Instead Vicki goes over to Kelly’s for wine and conversation.

Other than the mystic surprise, Meghan has prepared a beautiful dinner for the ladies (or rather paid for one.) Lydia stops by late (most likely so she can miss the mystic reading) and invites the ladies to Iceland. Lydia describes Iceland as the ultimate ‘manly’ destination with outdoor sports and adventures. Who better to go and write a review than a bunch of posh/high maintenance OC ladies?

Over dinner, Peggy brings up David “grilling” Diko because the two can’t let it go. Peggy and Shannon are oil and water as Peggy comes off as an ice queen while Shannon is beyond dramatic. Peggy then goes WAY below the belt and asks Shannon if she trusts her husband and if he has lied about other things. In my opinion, Peggy is way out of line and I did not get the impression that David was grilling Diko. On the other hand, Shannon really needs to learn how to talk without blowing a fuse.

Lydia then gets involved for no reason and continues to poke the bear. I think Lydia has had it out for Shannon since day one as she knew that Vicki was at odds with her. Lydia gets upset that Tamra and Shannon walk out of the room; however does she forget that she did the exact same thing to Shannon at Kelly’s house?

Shannon and Peggy take their ridiculous feud 1-1 which doesn’t go anywhere. Peggy starts crying out of nowhere and walks away without being able to explain herself. The whole thing is beyond confusing and there are no winners as nothing adds up here. Meghan’s beautiful dinner is ruined and Shannon then begins yelling like a crazy woman. Tamra is getting fed up with Shannon’s erratic emotions and hit the nail on the head by saying the real problem is Shannon never getting over the affair.

The morning after, Tamra and Shannon meet up and we learn that Tamra’s estranged daughter Sydney has invited Tamra to her graduation. Shannon makes it about her for a bit and reveals she is humiliate about her behavior (which she should be) and that it may be due to issues with David. Shannon finally gets real and states she is not over the affair and is overall just very sad. I hate to say this, but I don’t know how much more Shannon and David can take in this roller coaster of a marriage. Shannon’s anger and sadness comes out in outrageous behavior, something that Tamra admitted she can relate to.

I’m happy that Shannon can dig deep and admit that this housewives drama is not the root cause of her anger. I think it takes a big person to realize this and Tamra more than anyone can relate.

The ladies then begin to pack for Iceland and if the dinner party is any indication Iceland is going to be crazy.

What are your thoughts on last nights episode? Let’s discuss!

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