RHOC Recap: Shannon Beador Confronts Heather Dubrow; And Tamra Barney Gets Caught In More Lies!

Tonight’s episode continues right where we left off last week. Shannon is over at Tamra’s house crying her eyes out discussing her marriage and Tamra is just looking at her with a smirk on her face. Shannon is going on and on and suddenly, she gets a message that Heather was discussing her marital issues and the “divorce email” with a group of friends at dinner. Tamra immediately LIES to not only Shannon, but even in her talking head, about saying anything to anyone about the email. Does this ding bat know she’s being filmed?!

Over at Vicki’s she’s talking to Brooks and choking on a protein shake. NEXT. LOL Shannon is at home with her girls and reveals that after she left from Tamra’s, David came home early and apologized to her. Everything is looking promising, then David makes a comment about dinner not being ready in time and the look on Shannon’s face let’s us know not much has gotten better.

Here it comes. Shannon comes over to Heather’s house to confront her about the email. Shannon looks like she is about to crack at any moment when she starts asking Heather about her knowledge of the email. Heather is confused and tells Shannon that she thought Shannon came over to apologize. Shannon is caught of guard and asks what she should be apologizing for.

Heather reminds Shannon that she yelled at her in her living room at a party in front of the other girls. Shannon gets caught up. She says she was just defending herself from how Heather talks down to people, but Heather corrects her with the truth, which catches Shannon off guard. I gotta give it to Heather, if you are going to come and talk to her about a situation, she has a GOOD MEMORY. You can’t switch it around on her and make it something it’s not.

Heather clarifies what she meant about “pick a side” gate and you call tell Shannon feels dumb. To Shannon’s defense, she doesn’t know the real Tamra, and looks dumb because she believed Tamra’s lies. Shannon apologizes for saying anything and the subject turns to the email. Heather gets to the meat and potatoes says everything Tamra told her about Shannon drinking too much and her marriage falling apart.

Heather is annoyed with Shannon in her home acting like she owes her something. I agree. Shannon can’t just go off on someone and call them names in front of other people and then go over to their house unannounced and act like a crazy person. Shannon is at someone’s house (who she does not like) questioning them. Who does that?! What sane person does that? Heather, unlike Shannon, doesn’t want her children hearing the fighting, so she asks her to leave. Even Shannon’s husband is shocked she went over there.

Vicki and Brooks are in Puerto Vallarta and she’s showing him where her kids grew up playing on vacation. Over at Tamra’s, she is showing us how badly she has nothing going on in her life besides ordering a fake baby in the mail. Eddie has already told her he doesn’t want a baby so this scene is a waste.

Lizzie and Danielle are both at Shannon’s for some holistic oils. Of course, Shannon immediately starts talking about Heather. Shannon cannot stop talking about Heather. It’s literally all she talks about to the girls, in every scene, yet if Heather says one thing, Shannon is all over her like white on rice. Lizzie is right, Heather isn’t talking down to someone just because she speaks clear and concise.

Danielle jokes about not being able to handle vodka when Shannon brings up the alleged “drinking problem” she has, and Shannon gets snippy with her. Shannon gets mad when you don’t agree with what she has to say. In her talking head she even says that Danielle needs some “STFU” oil. Calllllllm dowwwwwwn.

As Shannon is telling the girls how she was kicked out of Heather’s home, Lizzie isn’t buying that Heather asked Shannon to leave just for no reason. And it’s true. Just because Heather didn’t let you stay in her home, where her children can hear you, and argue, doesn’t mean she’s in the wrong. Shannon needs manners.

Vicki and Brooks are getting massages and she’s telling him about Shannon and David’s marriage problems. Shannon and David are supposed to join them in Puerto Vallarta, so Vicki is hoping they have a good time. Tamra is meeting with Shannon so they can discuss what Tamra told Heather. Tamra says she feels bad, but I think she just feels bad she is caught.

Heather and Terry are having dinner with Lizzie and Heather is telling her side of the story. Lizzie doesn’t think it’s cool that Heather was talking about Shannon’s issues. Tamra tells another lie about how her conversation with Heather went, but she does admit she was the one who said something. Instead of Shannon being upset with Tamra and placing all that anger she had for Heather, on Tamra — She’s STILL STUCK ON HEATHER!

Like really? Tamra just admitted to this girl what she was wanting to know and she couldn’t care less and is more obsessed with Heather. Meanwhile, Heather tells Lizzie how she texted Shannon after their argument and Lizzie thinks Shannon doesn’t realize how she’s coming off with her actions because of her mental state at the moment. I agree.

Next week, Shannon is still gossiping about Heather, and Shannon breaks down in Puerto Vallarta.

I thin tonight’s episode was really good. What did you think? Whose side are you on? Let’s discuss!

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