Jacqueline Laurita Calls Teresa Giudice A Moron! Goes On A Crazy Twitter Rant!

The looney bin is baaaaaaackkkkk! RHONJ star Jacqueline Laurita promised all of her followers that she would stop talking about former best friend Teresa Giudice on twitter but we all knew that was very unlikely to happen and we were right! Jac took to her twitter yesterday to call Teresa Giudice a moron and a few other things!

She said, “U can 4give a person&start over or 4give them but choose2keep that toxic person out of ur life while they look 4 their table flipping moment. When u argue w/a moron,u become a moron.U have2rise above&remember who &what is really important in life.Some things don’t matter.Let it go.”

Exactly, Jacqueline. LET IT GO! Enough is enough. You were the one who said you were going to focus on your son and let this childish stuff go but here you are yet again tweeting things like you are 16! Move on with your life! Looks like we won’t be seeing a reunion with the two former friends!

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