RHOBH Recap: No Drama For The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills!

Can you believe it? Did we actually go through a whole episode without there being any drama? Apparently so! This week on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills the ladies are headed to Vegas with Brandi Glanville for an event she’s hosting that involves female empowerment and poles!

But let’s talk Yolanda Hadid/Foster first. Alright so Yolanda basically has it all. We GET it! You’re an amazing housewife, your husband is absolutely perfect, you cater to all his needs. You’re so perfect. Bla. Bla. WE GET IT! Why must Yolanda insist on repeating herself regarding her perfect life and perfect husband? Honestly it’s exhausting! I like Yolanda, I do, but come the freak on! I can see how perfect everything is with my eyes, you don’t have to force it into my brain! And Yolanda, enough with the white skinny jeans, turtle neck clothing, and hermes belt. I promise there’s many different type of clothing that’ll look just as great on you!

Moving along to Kim Richards. Kim wants a different look. Random. So she decides to get a nose job? Now I’m not against a nose job and I’m glad the doctor she got actually nose about nose jobs. Get it? Kim continues to look ridiculous on each of her interviews but I still think she’s hilarious in an odd weird way!

Vegas times! The girls are ready to all hang out at Vegas and Brandi is hoping that they see another side to her and I think they did. The ladies minus Adrienne, Taylor, and Kim all have dinner in Vegas and everyone seems to be getting along. Brandi even had the opportunity to call out Marisa which she did. But I don’t think Brandi was necessarily trying to call her out. I think she simply just wanted to give her advice. There’s millions of people who are dying to have it all like Marisa does (marriage, beautiful healthy kids, comfortable life) and all Marisa does is complain about her husband who by the way is HOT. So Brandi tells Marisa to cut it out and Marisa seems a bit taken back by this but she gets it. I hope she stops talking about her hot husband and appreciate the fact that he genuinely loves her!

The ladies head to the stripper class and Brandi is looking HOT! It amazes me that Eddie Cibrian left someone who looks so good. Brandi struggles saying her speech but ends up pulling through. Now just because there wasn’t any drama this week doesn’t mean there won’t be next week! Next week Lisa and Brandi get called out…by Camille!

Thoughts on Monday’s episode?

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