Louie Ruelas‘ ex-girlfriend, the one who has claimed to be the victim of being in a abusive relationship with a narcissist, has filed a restraining order on Louie Ruelas. For those who don’t know, Louie Ruelas actually filed a restraining order against the ex-girlfriend back in 2020.
Vanessa Reiser has a history of labeling her exes and attempting to defame them to anyone who will listen. Prior to Louie, Vanessa was married two previous times. Vanessa claims that her first husband who she had a son with was abusive. She claims her second husband Glenn Reiser was a cheater and she has now labeled Teresa Giudice’s husband Louie Ruelas a narcissist.
Prior to marrying her second husband Glenn, Vanessa also allegedly dated a man named Paul Devlin who has association with MLB. Paul claimed that Vanessa stole his jeep and then put an order of protection against him.
According to court documents Paul even sent a letter to Glenn while he was married to Vanessa warning him all about Vanessa Reiser. This was found in court documents against Vanessa Reiser.
On May 18, 2018, Glenn Reiser filed a restraining order against Vanessa Reiser Glenn Reiser says that while he and Vanessa figured out their divorce, he requested to move into an extra room in the marital residence until things were all sorted out.
Glenn Reiser states that Vanessa committed the following family offenses: Disorderly conduct; Harassment in the first or second degree, stalking and criminal mischief. Glenn discusses an altercation with Vanessa where she was intoxicated, stumbling, smelling of alcohol and enraged. He asked her to leave and when she finally did, he heard a big bang and had to contact the police department filing a domestic incident report.
Glenn recalls, “The following morning, I noticed a dent on my car, which was caused by Vanessa the night prior.”
Glenn talks about an incident from May 15, 2018 where is attorney submitted their Verizon Bill which contained his phone records. Glenn says that Vanessa took it upon herself to begin contacting numbers found on her phone records and zoned in on his friend, Danielle. He describes Danielle as a married mom with an 8 year old son.
Vanessa began contacting Danielle and Danielle’s husband accusing Glenn of having an affair with Danielle. He informed his attorney.
On May 18th, 2018 — he was informed that Vanessa placed a tracker on his vehicle and has a report of his whereabouts since January, 2018. Glenn says that Vanessa had been stalking him for months.
Glenn says,
“Since May 16th, Vanessa has been contacting Danielle’s husband, my sister and our mutual friends non-stop, harassing, and making false accusations that I have been having an affair. Moreso, Vanessa is making threats to Danielle. This is affecting my work and my day to day being. Vanessa has no legitimate reason to engage in this behavior. I moved from the marital residence in December, 2017 and we are in the middle of an action for divorce.”
Glenn pleads, “I am afraid for my safety, and Vanessa’s behavior. Vanessa does not want a divorce and her behavior has been increasingly erratic since being served with the action for divorce. She is unstable.”
Glenn then requests an order of protection that Vanessa be ordered to stay away from him, his home, work place, and that Vanessa refrain from any and all communication with him or any third parties about him.
Glenn Rieser was granted the restraining order from his ex-wife Vanessa Rieser.
The ex-girlfriend has allegedly been stalking Louie Ruelas and repeating the same exact patterns since he got with Teresa Giudice even messaging AllAboutTRH on Instagram regarding Louie’s earlier appearance. The ex-girlfriend has made Louie Ruelas last few years a living hell and claims Louie Ruelas allegedly abused her, yet continues following all of his wife’s co-stars, Melissa’s family members, Melissa Gorga, Joe Gorga, Frank Catania and more. She engages regularly with Melissa Gorgas sisters and comments on majority of Melissa Gorgas photos. Joe Gorga and Frank Catania both follow her. All videos that have been released of Louie Ruelas since appearing on the Real Housewives were videos he had sent the ex-girlfriend.
This ex-girlfriend has allegedly been in contact with Margaret Josephs for the last few years and they both follow each other on Instagram. Victims who have been horrifically abused as Vanessa Reiser has claimed, typically want nothing to do with the abuser. As for Vanessa, she has made it her mission to ruin Louie Ruelas life even following Teresa Giudice’s daughters on social media before they blocked her.
The story of Vanessa Reiser and Louie Ruelas:
This deep dive comes from Bravo Ducking Bravo who did a great job with laying out all the details
According to the court documents, on March 25, 2020, the couple break up and Vanessa entered the main home with a friend, carrying black garbage bags. Louie states that he was watching a movie with one of his sons and she was very disruptive, yelling, and scared the son. The next day Louie takes legal action
Bravo ducking Bravo recaps that Louie formally requested that she no longer contact him, disparage him publicly. He also asked that she return the ring, reimburse him for $175k spent on his Amex card and return a peloton bike leased by his company.
A few days later the ex-girlfriend reaches out to Louie’s friend to ask him to communicate with Louie on her behalf.
Bravo ducking Bravo says that “during their relationship, they were active donors at a charity for women. Louie states that he helped her become a board member. He had been a longtime supporter of theirs. On April 1, he emailed the Director of organization and Vanessa heard about it. He explained why he believed Vanessa may not be a good fit for the organization.”
In the court document, which showcases the letter written by Louie, Louie explains that Vanessa verbally abused him on a regular, along with psychological manipulation to threats of personal and professional harm.
I hope this email finds you well. As you know, I have been a supporter of the important work of the Center for Safety and Change (CSC) for a number of years. Having witnessed, first hand, as a child, the impact of intimate partner violence, I believe deeply in the value of the resources provided by CSC.
As a business owner, I am mindful of the fact that an organization is made up of individuals, and its vision and success is guided by the Board of Directors. It is for that reason I write you today, as I am concerned about the propriety of Vanessa Reiser, LCSW remaining on the Board of Directors for the CSC.
As you know, Ms. Reiser and I were in a relationship for several years and it was, in part, my recommendation and support that facilitated Ms. Reiser’s appointment to the Board. At the time, Ms. Reiser and I had only been in an intimate relationship for a relatively short period of time and I believed that she was committed to the fundamental moral and philosophical principals on which CSC was founded.
Unfortunately, in retrospect, I am now aware that at the time I made the recommendation Ms. Reiser was engaging me in the “honeymoon phase” commonly identified in the “wheel” model of intimate partner violence. What followed, in the months after, was a classic presentation of coercive control and intimate partner abuse that, with the support of family and friends, I was only able to extricate myself from over the last several weeks. From verbal abuse, and psychological manipulation to threats of personal and professional harm, Ms. Reiser repeatedly utilized her background in mental health to engage in “gaslighting” tactics against me, all while taking terrible advantage of me financially, including, but not limited to, such behaviors as removing funds from my accounts without my prior knowledge or consent. Again, like so many perpetrators of intimate partner abuse, while she was engaging in these behaviors, Ms. Reiser successfully isolated me and “fed” estrangements between myself and my support system, to ensure that I would remain susceptible to her control.
While I am working hard, with the support of friends and professionals, to heal from the emotional and psychological harm Ms. Reiser’s behaviors caused to me, and working with my attorney to pursue all available remedies for the aforesaid financial improprieties, I wanted to bring these issues to your attention so that you may take whatever steps may be appropriate to address the impact of same on Ms. Reiser’s propriety as a Board Member for CSC. It is my belief that her continued participation on the Board of Directors threatens and undermines the credibility of CSC.
I know that you, personally, and CSC, as an organization, are deeply committed to increasing awareness of intimate partner violence and supporting those who have been impacted by it. The presence of an individual, on the Board of Directors, who engages in the very behaviors that the CSC was founded to prevent and eradicate is deeply problematic. Although I have no desire to involve you, or any third parties in issues arising from the end of a relationship, my conscience required that I bring this matter to your attention so that you may take whatever steps you deem appropriate to protect the Board and CSC mission.
Can you please forward this email to Linie Chang Rand, I don’t have her email.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
In another court document, Louie reveals, similarly to what Glenn did, that Vanessa would locate him and “fed” estrangements between Louie and his support system, to ensure he remains under her control.
The court document states that two days later Vanessa contacted Louie and in a moment of weakness he responded to her. He says that “she was recording our conversation and trying to convince me not to pursue my claims for the ring and money.”
Two weeks later, Vanessa files a civil action/complaint about keeping a business that Louie made for her. She asks for control of the business that he made for her
Louie files a suit right afterwards and states he is only filing because she wont return the ring and money owed to him. He says she has engaged in sociopathic behavior to financially and emotionally harm him, a longstanding and well documented pattern of behavior that she has engaged in throughout her romantic life with past lovers.
In Louie’s suit filed following her suit, Louie talks about what happened when they were in Massachusetts following an argument, Louie says she gave him back the engagement ring, claiming, as she did in May 2019, that she was not going to marry Louie without him giving her money. Louie says he was not going to fall for her extortion again and told her he was going to leave the hotel and go home. He offered to drive home with her but asked her to stay elsewhere that evening as he wanted to discuss the breakup with his sons without her present. Louie says she refused to come with him or stay elsewhere so he drove away. Louie then called the police and alerted them to the situation as he did not want to be in an altercation with her in case she showed up to his house. After driving off, several hours later, the ex-girlfriends son calls Louie and says that Vanessa wanted to be picked up at the hotel. He turned around to find her and 90 minutes later, Vanessa’s son called again and said she found a ride. He says when he returned home – Vanessa was already in the driveway of his house, waiting to take items out. And that Vanessa put her son up to calling him simply to waste his time.
More From Bravo Ducking Bravo:
According to additional court documents, Vanessa allegedly tried to imposter a Facebook account, controlling Louie Ruelas Facebook account without his knowledge. Louie Ruelas was said to find out about it when IT came to his house and looked through his computer.
From Court Documents:
More from the case via Bravo Ducking Bravo
For the last few years Vanessa Reiser has made the world believe Louie Ruelas is a narcissist. So what exactly is a Narcissist?
Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding. This way of thinking and behaving surfaces in every area of the narcissist’s life: from work and friendships to family and love relationships.
People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely resistant to changing their behavior, even when it’s causing them problems. Their tendency is to turn the blame on to others. What’s more, they are extremely sensitive and react badly to even the slightest criticisms, disagreements, or perceived slights, which they view as personal attacks. For the people in the narcissist’s life, it’s often easier just to go along with their demands to avoid the coldness and rages.
The following documents are letters written from Vanessa Reiser displaying narcissistic traits and verbally abusing Louie Ruelas
We are told from former friends of Vanessa Reiser that Vanessa hated Louie Ruelas ex-fiancee Paula, and would talk about her obsessively but reached out to her when she and Louie broke up so that they could essentially “frame him.” Our sources say she reached out to Paula one time prior to ask about her ring.
This is still an ongoing case but in 2021 a Judge ordered that Louie keeps the office computer after it wipes off her info and that Vanessa keeps her website/business, pays Louie 20k, keeps the remaining funds in her account and that neither will lie about the other, make derogatory statements about the other, harass the other. Something Vanessa has failed to follow.
Vanessa Reiser has now given herself the title of a Narcissism expert and calls herself a “solution-focused “psychotherapist offering sessions despite her history. She even recently move to New Jersey with sources telling us, “she is trying to get on the show. It would be a dream come true if she was cast.”
That’s not all – we recently got insight by multiple AllAboutTRH readers that Vanessa Reiser would go into the social chat app clubhouse on Dave Quinn’s club and would always speak in the room.
Vanessa recently made headlines after she alleged that one of her patients were actually hired to “spy” on her by Louie Ruelas. She filed a restraining order against him despite being the one who is talking about him daily and contacting anyone affiliated with Teresa Giudice. Prior to providing the restraining order to Page Six, Vanessa Reiser called former RHONJ friend of, Kim D and told her that she was going to be putting a story out there and to spread the word. Not something a normal victim of abuse would do.
Vanessa Reiser is allegedly behind the video leaks of Louie Ruelas and she mostly engages on Melissa Gorga, Melissa Gorgas sisters Lysa Simpson and Kim as well as Teresa Giudice’s brother Joe Gorgas Instagram account commenting on each post. She also comments on Melissa and Joe’s daughter Antonia’s Instagram account. Melissa’s sisters will comment back on her page and are following her as well.
Vanessa Reiser has also developed a close relationship with Kim D after spilling tea on Louie Ruelas. She smiled as she walked Kim D’s recent fashion show. Vanessa Reiser is a mom of one who spends her days raising awareness for narcissistic abuse despite it being clear she has a history of narcissistic traits with her ex-partners. She has an RHONJ highlight on her Instagram page and continues to befriend anyone who isn’t a fan of Louie Ruelas and Teresa Giudice.
Thoughts on the truth about Vanessa Reiser?
Louie Ruelas is a public figure, and the story revolves around his past relationship with an ex-girlfriend. It delves into allegations of stalking and other concerning behavior.
As a responsible blogging website, we strive to provide accurate information. We have taken steps to verify the claims made about Louie Ruelas’ ex-girlfriend to ensure credibility.
Our blog post may outline any legal actions, statements, or responses from Louie Ruelas or his ex-girlfriend regarding the situation.