Where is Lindsey Knickerbocker and who is she with? The search for answers continues.
“She has called me but really won’t tell me where she is,” the Real Housewives of Orange County alum told Fox News on Sunday. “Thank God, with all the amazing help; she is alive. Still worried about where she is and the guy that is with her.” “Working on some plans, hopefully to get her out,” she continued. During the interview, Tammy noted Lindsey has battled “a lot of drug issues” over the years. Tammy explained that she initally became worried about Lindsey after she went off the grid following a brush with the law. On January 9, Lindsey was released from jail after she allegedly assaulted a cop for taking her dog. Shortly after her release, Lindsey called Tammy on a phone that was borrowed from a “guy on the street.” Lindsey left a voicemail saying, “Please call me. Please call me. I need help.” Tammy then didn’t hear from her daughter until January 16 when she got a message from Lindsey on Facebook Messenger that read: “I’m fine, I’m fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.” However, Lindsay didn’t reach out to Tammy the next day. Instead, two days later, the former reality TV star received another “weird” message from a man named Eric, who claimed Lindsey was living in a tent. Thankfully, after Tammy and her other daughter, Meghan Knickerbocker, begged people in the Las Vegas area to keep their eyes open for Lindsey, the 34-year-old reached out to her sister. “Update on Lindsey. Thank you to everyone that helped find her. It’s not the best outcome, but at least we know she is alive,” Meghan shared on Instagram Saturday evening. Meghan explained that she spoke to Lindsey on the phone but admits it was not the outcome the family was hoping for. See Meghan’s post below.RHOC is set to return for season 17 in early 2023.
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Follow AllAboutTRH On Instagram. Follow AllAboutTRH On Twitter. Like AllAboutTRH On Facebook.Lindsey Knickerbocker, daughter of Tammy Knickerbocker from Real Housewives of Orange County, went off the grid after a brush with the law. She was released from jail on January 9 after allegedly assaulting a cop. Her exact whereabouts are unknown, but she has reached out to her family to let them know she is alive.
Lindsey Knickerbocker has faced “a lot of drug issues” over the years, according to her mother Tammy. The specific details of her struggles with drugs are not provided in the given content.
Yes, Lindsey Knickerbocker has been found. After Tammy and her other daughter, Meghan Knickerbocker, asked for help from the public in the Las Vegas area, Lindsey reached out to her sister. Meghan shared an update on Instagram, stating that while it may not be the best outcome, at least they know Lindsey is alive.