The ladies of Salt Lake City are back for season 3!
The episode kicks off with a montage of clips from 2019 when the ladies were filming season one of the show. Jen brags about making millions with her direct marketing company while Lisa and Meredith gush over how much they adore each other. The same goes for Whitney and Heather. This all seems to be foreshadowing the drama to come, which includes Jen’s guilty plea for fraud, Heather and Whitney’s fallout, and the continuing demise of Lisa and Meredith’s friendship.
First up, we have dueling lunches – Meredith and Jen meet up for wine by the pool while Heather and Lisa grab a bite to eat in town. Meredith is still flabbergasted by Lisa’s betrayal and hot mic moment – she can’t believe Lisa was going around spreading rumors about her. She’s so upset that she decides to do the exact same thing to Lisa. Makes total sense, right? Meredith claims she’s heard a lot of gossip about everything from Lisa’s marriage to her finances. Jen chimes in that she’s heard Lisa is having an affair. Weren’t both of these women so upset when people questioned if they were cheating? So, yes, let’s do the same thing to others.
If you’re wondering why Heather agreed to meet with Lisa, she says it’s because Lisa claimed she needed her. Plus, Heather is hoping to have Lisa hate her just a little bit less this season. Lisa doesn’t know what to do about Meredith. Heather notes that Lisa went after not only Meredith but her kids and marriage, and somehow Lisa needs to figure out how right her wrong.
Later on, we catch up with Jen at her very humble abode. It’s no Shah Ski Chalet, and Jen knows it. Jen complains about having to downsize to 4500 sq feet and having a small closet. Jen, you could go to jail for 30 years at this point – enjoy what you have because it’s better than the 8×10 cell you’ll soon be living in. As Jen awaits her trial, she decides to throw Coach Shah a lavish birthday party at her friend Angie K’s house. Oh, yeah, she’s also been forced to downsize the Sqah Squad. Poor thing.
Speaking of new houses, Meredith and Seth have also moved into another rental home. That’s three so far, right? A new house every season. What is it with these ladies and not owning homes yet claiming to be so rich? Weird. Meredith pulls out documents proving that Lisa’s Vida Tequila business isn’t making any money.
We finally get to the night of Coach Shah’s Harlem Nights-themed party. The party looks great, but Jen insists she could have done it better. Quit biting the hand that feeds you, girlfriend! Hunny, you’re broke and need to pay millions in restitution – save your coin and accept whatever help your friends are giving you.
Jen gives a speech saying how much she appreciates Coach Shah’s love and support. Coach and Jen both get emotional. The party kicks into high gear with dancing and cake.
As the party goes on, Lisa is working up the nerve to start her apology tour. Heather pushes Lisa to apologize to Meredith, but she’s too scared, so she does the next best thing and apologizes to Seth. Before talking to Seth, Lisa attempts to give Meredith a hug, but she gives her the cold shoulder. Meredith notes that Lisa had two months in between filming to talk with her to make things right. Lisa wanders off to find Seth and apologizes, claiming she didn’t mean the awful things she said. Lisa adds that she thought she was saying all of that in a private moment and not for anyone else to hear. Seth doesn’t seem to be buying it. Lisa breaks down into tears and says she’s going through a lot and is a girls’ girl through and through. She continues to get upset and eventually grabs her husband to leave.
Meanwhile, Heather, Whitney, and Lisa decide to plan a girl’s trip to Scottsdale ahead of Jen’s trial, which is what the ladies are up to in next week’s episode.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 9 pm on Bravo.
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