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Well, come a little closer – a little closer…okay…okay, NOT that close.
This tea is piping hot! So pour yourself a cup and come gossip and speculate with us! You know you want to!
A new BLIND ITEM from Deux Moi is spilling some MAJOR tea about one of the Real Housewives of Orange County.
Blind Item: “I have some tea on this new Housewife. She was dating this millionaire who gave her A LOT of money and put her through medical school. Allegedly she cheated on him. He tried to sue her a couple of years ago. Also, she was upset at her office a few months ago saying her husband was leaving her. It was super awkward when she came in and her face was swollen and red and then she posted about him on IG being so great the next day and now they are on the show. It’s all very [suspect].”
A second source then added: “my friend worked for this said housewife and based on what she told me, the husband tried leaving her twice.”
Thoughts on this Blind Item? Who do you think this Blind Item is about? Sound off below!
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