Real Housewives of Salt Lake City premiered earlier this week and it did not disappoint. It even gave us a glimpse of Jen Shah getting arrested for fraud involving a telemarketing scheme that targets older people.
Jen’s sometimes friends Heather Gay has opened up about being terrified when she got arrested and recently sat down with Andy to admit that she always knew Jen’s business was unsavory. Watch the clip below
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Heather says she always questioned Jen’s business because Jen never really knew how to explain what exactly she did. Jen was arrested in March 2021 and was charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. She maintains her innocence. The trial was initially slated to begin in October 2021, but in August, a judge postponed the trial until March 2022.
Are you surprised that Heather admitted to Andy she knew something was up with Jen’s business?
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