Bethenny Frankel created a firestorm last Sunday after posting a photo to her Instagram account wearing her 4-year-old daughter Bryn’s Hello Killy pajamas. Bethenny is responding to her haters by posting a new photo on Instagram — this time covered in bulky men’s clothing.
Bethenny shared the photo two days after the controversial PJ photo was posted. There was no caption with the photo, but Bethenny has been writing some super sassy tweets regarding the controversy.
What will be convenient & economical is if I have another baby & wear their diapers when i'm in adult diapers. #frugalmom
— Bethenny Frankel (@Bethenny) July 14, 2014
My daughter still has some shirts from when she was 2. I hope she isn't sending the wrong message to toddlers.
— Bethenny Frankel (@Bethenny) July 16, 2014
This whole photo controversy is being blown way out of proportion on the Internet, so I can see why Bethenny isn’t backing down.
Do you think people are overreacting to this situation or was Bethenny’s original PJ photo inappropriate?
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