Could it be? Could this really be it? Are we FINALLY seeing a glimpse of Kenya Moore’s “mystery man?” The Real Housewives of Atlanta star, stayed quiet all season long about who she was dating, but now Kenya has taken to social media to share vague pictures as to who could be her future baby daddy. Take a look at the following photos below, and you be the judge.
At the bottom of the photo Kenya shared,
“Love is a choice, to trust is a choice. You choose your fate. You can’t let other people and the past dictate how you treat others.” #timetoheal
Okay. I have nothing against Kenya, but I really thought she was hugging a mannequin in the first photo. LOL This guy definitely doesn’t look like the same married guy she was seen with at Harvard. Do you guys think this could really be her “African Prince?” Or do you think it’s a new guy?
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