Right now on season 4 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, we are witnessing a non-friendship between co-stars Lisa Vanderpump and Joyce Giraud, but that isn’t the case anymore. Lisa and Joyce have not only developed a friendship, but Lisa even recently took to Twitter to defend Joyce when a fan accused Joyce of calling Lisa trash! Check out the tweets below
Tired of being accused, Joyce took a screenshot of her Direct Messages, and posted them on Twitter.
Lisa of course, probably had her mentions flooded with all this trash talk, so she set the record straight with the following tweets
I think from Monday’s past episode we all seen that Joyce isn’t afraid to call someone “trash” to their face, so I’m sure if she thought Lisa was trash, she would have told her by now. LOL What do you guys think of Lisa and Joyce now being friends? Do you think Lisa would’ve given Joyce a chance if Brandi didn’t turn on her?