The moment I’ve been waiting for..the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is back and I could barely contain my excitement. Season four premiered Monday evening and things were interesting to say the least. We start off with Yolanda Foster at her daughter Gigi’s photoshoot. Gigi is absolutely stunning and Yolanda is reminding Gigi how rewarding it is to barely eat food considering she gets these modeling gigs. Yolanda seems like an overbearing mother and it’s annoying to watch but whatever works for them. Yolanda explains that she has been going through a lot dealing with her disease pointing out that co-star Kyle Richards has not been there for her. Uhm? Was Yolanda not present at the RHOBH reunion? Why would Kyle reach out to Yolanda when Kyle thinks Yolanda is a liar?
Moving over to Brandi Glanville! She is a best selling author and moving to a bigger home with her real estate agent/boyfriend/sex partner. The home she’s looking at is nice and Brandi complains that there is too many windows and that she won’t be able to walk around naked. At this point, I’m uncomfortable. I like that Brandi is getting a fresh new start but I’m not feeling her fresh new face.
Lisa Vanderpump is busy with her new gig at Dancing with the Stars. She looks absolutely flawless as usual.
Kyle Richards is at her boutique opening up boxes when she gets a visitor. It’s the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce and Kyle seems taken back because she has no idea what a Chamber of Commerce is. It was actually laughable to watch him explain who he is while Kyle remained very confused. Kyle ends up joining the Chamber of Commerce knowing it’ll result to better sales at her business. She is going to throw a Chamber of Commerce party at her house and uses Lisa’s SUR staff to cater the event hoping it’ll make things better between her and Lisa. Because it’s quite clear no one would hire Lisa’s SUR staff considering how unprofessional they are.
Lisa stops by Kyle’s house and thinks it’s hilarious that Kyle is joining the Chamber of Beverly Hills which I found annoying. Kyle explains to Lisa that she is over Yolanda because Yolanda lied about trashing Lisa’s name in front of Kyle and Kim. Lisa does not believe that Yolanda lied even though Kim was there and heard the same thing. Lisa adds that she would never associate Yolanda as a liar. It’s funny to hear her say this considering the two are no longer friends at this point.
Lisa then brings up the rumors that are going around town like Mauricio cheating on Kyle. Mauricio happens to walk in the same time during this discussion with his daughter Porsha. It’s like Bravo cue’s everyone when to come out in front of the cameras or something! Lisa then decides to make a joke about the cheating rumors going on with Mauricio and Kyle in front of Kyle’s daughter. Correct me if I’m wrong but Lisa seems to be enjoying the fact that there is such a serious rumor out there about Kyle. You could tell Kyle is getting annoyed of Lisa’s “jokes” but Lisa seems like she could care less. If Lisa was a good friend, she would bring up these so called “rumors” off camera and point out on camera how ridiculous the rumors are.
Back over at Kim Richards’s house, we are introduced to her dog. Really? Kim’s segment is about her dog? I’m glad Kim is doing well but it would probably have been smart if she was replaced this season.
Kyle is getting ready for her party and the SUR staff arrive to cater the event. I’m really annoyed that Bravo is combining both shows together and it’s actually a bit confusing plus turning me off. Lisa walks into the event and still makes a dig laughing that Kyle is apart of something she knows nothing about. I don’t really understand why Lisa can’t just be supportive? What I think Lisa needs to do is admit that she no longer likes Kyle instead of having this fake relationship with her. Kyle seems super excited about this event and in walks in Yolanda with Brandi. Yolanda goes up to Lisa and Lisa keeps instigating whether Yolanda and Kyle have spoken. Yolanda and Kyle both know it’s not the place to speak at and will probably speak face to face outside of this event.
We are then introduced to the newest housewives Carlton and Joyce. Carlton seems uptight and private while Joyce is breathtaking and bubbly. Joyce seems super excited to be at the event while Carlton totally seems out of place.
Lisa and Kyle start talking and Lisa points out to Kyle how she is not holding a grudge when it comes to their friendship. This kind of made me laugh because Lisa is being very bitter towards Kyle. She may not be holding a grudge but she really needs to let go of things and stop bringing up things from the past which she continues to do when speaking to Kyle.
The Real Housewives ends in a very odd way. I’m still confused about it. There’s a weird transition from RHOBH to Vanderpump Rules which was confusing considering I didn’t know if or when the Real Housewives was over.
I’m excited about this season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills but I was just not very impressed with the premiere. What were your thoughts on the episode? Let’s Discuss!