This season of Real Housewives of Miami has been Adriana feuding with Lea Black over the secret marriage from 2008. Adriana feels that Lea outed her marriage to hurt, while Lea claims that she was unaware and feels betrayed because of it. Nonetheless, the cast is divided by this issue and the tension continued this episode among other things!
So we start with Lisa who has her mother in law in town and it’s just a classic case of the in-laws. Lisa is food shopping with Lenny’s mom Marina, and she hounds Lisa about not cooking enough for Lenny.
Back at home, Marina meets Frederic and Romain, who are visiting the Hochstein’s boob mansion for a meeting of the minds and to get over their Twitter feud. How masculine. Lenny mediates and peace-makes between the two guys with feuding Housewives.
Frederic and Romain shake hands and agree to move forward. All is good. If only it were as easy for “Ho-anna” and Adriana, who have apologized to each other countless times but would still rip each other to shreds!
Lisa, Lenny and the in-laws go to dinner later on, and it turns into an awkward event with Marina calling out Lisa for not returning her phone calls. It turns out Lisa doesn’t feel liked. I love Lisa but enough of this story line! Next.
Adriana has a chat with her son Alex. She mentions her upcoming wedding/vow renewal (technically, right?) and asks if he is ready, resulting in Alex basically calling his mom out. If his opinion didn’t matter five years ago at the actual marriage, who cares now!? I swear, the kids on Housewives are so much smarter than the parents. Unless you’re Ashlee Holmes!
Adriana then tries dragging her son in the feud with Lea which I found tacky. Let him be a kid and leave this topic to the grown ups. Since Alex is best friends with Lea’s son RJ, Adriana asks if the kids talk about their feud. Seriously, shut the hell up, Adriana!
Meanwhile, Alexia is headed to therapy with her son Frankie who has made tons of progress since his brain injury in a terrible accident. She takes him to physical therapy which is his stronger improvement since his speech is still a little slow, but getting there.
On the phone is Joanna, speaking to her sister Marta who has moved away with her famous boyfriend, Marco Andretti. Joanna is upset that Marta isn’t helping her wedding plan, but a) Pennsylvania is not near Miami, and b) she was just talking crap about Romain cheating, so Joanna, why would you want Marta helping you plan?
Joanna, feeling overwhelmed, invites Lea over. Lea agrees to help her with the wedding planning since Joanna apparently has no other friends, and they will be taking a girls trip to LA to pick out the dress! They call Switzerland, I mean, Lisa, to invite her as well, but Lisa being the “neutral” one is also dress shopping with Adriana, Marysol, and Alexia! Uh oh!
While Lisa shops with the “Cubans”, Adriana brings out an article from 1995 revealing that Lea, who went by Lisa Heller back then, legally married Roy four months before their actual ceremony. Adriana tries using this to call Lea a hypocrite except it’s not even nearly the same because Lea was not LYING and was not pretending to be a single, lost mother.
RJ’s birthday party is coming up and Lea invites Adriana because their sons are friends, plus it’s a perfect chance to get the girls together so I’m certain production salivated at the idea. Lea promises that it won’t be awkward and she’s welcome with open arms. Adriana agrees to not let their Housewife drama affect the kids’ friendship.
It’s time for RJ’s birthday party and Lea having been so busy with her gala and her home’s construction, did not even realize RJ had already planned the entire party himself. He also has access to the credit card, which makes me a bit jealous. Rich kid problems.
However, RJ is such a strange teenager, or is that just what they’re into in modern days? Alex arrives with Frederic. Alex is also a DJ. These kids are surprising me! Joanna and Romain show up and don’t even know who’s birthday it is. Fake friendship with Lea, much?
Alexia and Frankie also show up and it’s cute how Frankie greeted the ladies. All in all, it was just a weird birthday party with failed opportunities for drama. Adriana ignored Lea entirely which was both rude and also boring. Lea didn’t care that Alexia missed her gala, and didn’t even confront her about it. Hello ladies, you’re making a Bravo TV show here! Give me something.
So that was that! Next week, Joanna brings Lea and Lisa to LA while Alexia’s troubled son Peter has a run in with the police. For now, let’s discuss this week’s episode! Do you think Lea is a hypocrite for having been married four months before her actual ceremony? Is it the same thing as what Adriana did?