Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice celebrated her youngest daughter’s fourth birthday earlier this week! Teresa shared photos via twitter writing, “Audriana had a great party at her Zia Maria’s place @Kidden Around in Wayne on Rt. 23 she loved her Barbie theme party.”
Teresa even posted family photos of everyone smiling and celebrating but noticeably absent was Teresa’s brother Joe Gorga and his wife Melissa Gorga. So were the pair even invited?
Sources tell AllAboutTRH EXCLUSIVELY that they were, “Teresa called Melissa inviting her family to the birthday but Melissa said she wouldn’t be able to come because she and Joe would be at an event. Teresa understood and was okay with them not coming since she had an event to attend. Melissa then posted a photo of her at the Laurita’s house jarring tomato’s. It was shocking that Melissa wasn’t able to attend Audriana’s birthday but she did go to the Laurita’s.”
As for Audriana’s Godmother, Dina? Sources add, “Dina wished Audriana a Happy Birthday and even took her out. Audriana has a great relationship with Dina.”
Isn’t it funny that the Gorga’s would for sure attend Audriana’s birthday if Bravo cameras were on?! So sad..