Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Barney has been going hard at former friend Gretchen Rossi. Just yesterday, Tamra did an interview where she AND her husband Eddie Judge slammed Gretchen calling her “classless” plus insulting her singing.
Read the interview HERE
Now Tamra is backtracking what she said claiming the interview was just exaggerated.
Tamra revealed that Gretchen Rossi didn’t buy her a wedding gift or send her a tweet when she got married. A viewer then told Tamra that no one is obligated to buy a wedding gift. Tamra responded that a card from Gretchen would have been nice.
After we posted the story, Tamra wrote, “where do you get your information from. Half of that story was exaggerated.”
A few months ago we also interviewed Tamra and recorded it for that matter. She said our interview was also exaggerated. Looks like Tamra has a problem with admitting what she really says.
My problem: If you’re going to say it. Own it. Are you surprised Tamra is backtracking what she said about Gretchen?
Tamra Barney, along with her husband Eddie Judge, called Gretchen Rossi “classless” and insulted her singing during the interview.
Tamra is backtracking on what she said about Gretchen Rossi because she feels that the interview was exaggerated and that half of the story was not accurate.
Tamra revealed that Gretchen Rossi did not buy her a wedding gift or send her a tweet when she got married. Tamra expressed that receiving a card from Gretchen would have been a nice gesture.