It looks like this friendship is donezo! Real Housewives of Orange County Tamra Barney doesn’t appreciate what Gretchen Rossi has been saying specifically when she said in a recent interview that she doesn’t like anybody who plays both sides. Gretchen was specifically referring to Tamra.
Tamra has officially responded to AllAboutTRH via twitter slamming Gretchen saying, “Does that mean she doesn’t like herself?”
That’s not all. Tamra claims Gretchen should have not had a problem with Alexis being at her dress picking because Gretchen “had no problem being at the salsa party when Alexis was there.”
That’s not all Tamra had to say. She even called out Gretchen for wanting attention by wearing her dead exes engagement ring while she’s currently engaged to Slade. She said, “who wears an old engagement ring from another man to your friends dress day? Someone dying to make it about them.”
Oh snap! The gloves are officially off. Who’s side are you on?
Tamra Barney responded to Gretchen Rossi’s recent interview by questioning whether Gretchen’s statement about not liking anyone who plays both sides meant that Gretchen doesn’t like herself.
Tamra criticized Gretchen for having an issue with Alexis being present at her dress picking because Tamra claims that Gretchen had no problem attending a salsa party where Alexis was also present.
Tamra accused Gretchen of seeking attention by wearing her deceased ex’s engagement ring while being engaged to Slade. Tamra questioned why someone would wear an old engagement ring from another man to their friend’s dress day, suggesting that Gretchen was trying to make the event about herself.