The Real Housewives of Orange County, the first franchise of The Real Housewives, is celebrating its 100th episode next week and Bravo is celebrating with a 2-hour special. This includes sit down interviews with past cast members and current cast members, spilling behind the scenes details and reflecting on the show!
In this special sneak peek, season one veterans talk about the show and how they heard about this opportunity. Vicki reveals, “It was going to be called ‘Behind the Gates'”, and she claims she tried dodging the show’s creator at first. Who would’ve guessed she’d be the longest standing Housewife ever, eight seasons later!
Michael, Vicki’s son, also reveals that he found the announcement in the community newspaper and things went from there. Slade actually paid in a charity auction to get a spot on the show with Jo de la Rosa! “I bid $2,500 in order to participate in the Real Housewives,” reveals Slade. Check out what all the season one vets say about RHOC:
It’s so interesting that this huge TV staple started from a little home-made style documentary in Orange County! It’s changed so much throughout the years, though. Will you be watching the special 100th episode? Are you surprised Slade paid to be on TV, and that Vicki at first was not interested in the show?