Real Housewives of Orange County star Heather Dubrow took to her blog to discuss the dinner party saying she is glad it’s over and calls newest housewife Lydia McLaughlin the voice of reason! Heather also calls viewers that are haters cyber bullies! See what Heather had to say below!
“Well, I don’t know about you — but I’m glad that dinner party is over! Wow.
There is no excuse for Tamra’s behavior at the height of this party. She definitely was like a nuclear bomb ready to explode. I tried to diffuse her a bit — but you can see that had mixed results.
I thought Lydia was a true voice of reason. If you had been sitting at the dinner, as she was, you could see that everyone was trying to say their point of view. Alexis wasn’t allowing it. It’s very hard to have a conversation that way, heated or otherwise.
As far as my comment about being medicated for “rich girl” problems goes, I regret saying that. Mental health is a serious issue and people go on medications for all kinds of reasons.
I was just exasperated that this issue from Costa Rica — which had been discussed between Alexis and myself and had moved on from in my opinion — is still the focus of Alexis’ dialogue. At some point you need to stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own life and choices you make.
Despite the bad ending to the dinner, we did end up blessing the building. It was a nice moment and clearly worked because Tamra’s new gym C.U.T. Fitness is doing really well. Congrats Tamra!
Lastly, RHOC is a television show meant to entertain. An interesting part of the show is the interaction between the cast and viewers via social media. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have become an intrinsic part of the show and so have viewers comments.
I am not a close-minded person, nor do I think I am always right. I freely apologize when wrong and make amends.
What I find so ironic is that the haters that find their way to the cast members social media are nothing more than cyber bullies. And yes, that is bullying. . .and cowardly. To hide behind a computer and an anonymous persona to spew hate at another person is despicable. I don’t care who is your least favorite out of the bunch. Tamra, Lydia, Alexis, Gretchen, Vicki and myself are all human beings with real lives and real families. You are all absolutely entitled to your opinions, and we are all happy to hear them — good or bad. Please be passionate, engage with us, give us your take on what happened — it’s part of our job. However, when I look at some of the comments on everyone’s blogs and there is such venom about our looks, families, and sometimes our religious beliefs I am in shock. That will receive the ultimate karma hit.”
Interesting. Do you agree with Heather that the real bullies are the viewers?