Mob Wives begins with Love going to a doctor. Honestly, I don’t really care to much for Love at this point and think her role in the show is unnecessary so I don’t care to recap about her appointment to the doctors. Sorry but I’m not sorry!
Moving along to Karen. She still is in Arizona and is finally getting ready to go back home. She isn’t looking forward to leaving her daughter Karina but who would be? Karen could make life so much easier if she just has her daughter live with her like most mothers do! In the end of the day, there’s no feeling then being with your mother and that’s the truth. Karen has gotten a lot accomplished being in Arizona. She an Dave are on good terms and they both agree on this. Dave even tells Karen he won’t keep anything from her from now on.
Back in Staten Island, Drita goes to her friend Carla’s home to talk to her about Love constantly bashing her. Drita reveals that Love has a problem with Carla and Carla is confused. Carla has yet to meet Love so she doesn’t understand how there can even be a problem. Drita says Love’s problem is Carla has been talking about her because she had dated Carla’s boyfriend before she did. Carla is taken back and thinks it’s ridiculous and know’s that the two only “banged” for a month before Carla got with him. Carla believes Drita should defend her and tell Love she doesn’t want to hear Love bashing Carla since they are friends. Drita just wants Carla to know that Love is not someone to be messed with.
Ramona gets ready for her wedding and gets her girls together to do wedding stuff! She says the wedding will be at home and will be around the same time Joe can get out of prison for a week. Is that even possible? Ramona plans on marrying him then spending the week together and after he will go back to prison. I just think this whole thing is ridiculous and such a bad example for her young children. Ramona points out that this is the quickest wedding to ever be planned but I’m still not sure what the rush in this is?
Carla is at her ex’s skin center getting a facial. Her ex Joe walks in and I can’t help but wish these two were together. They have a cute conversation and these two just have a connection. Who knows what’ll happen in the future?
Drita meets with Love as they get there nails done. While getting pampered, Drita tells Love she spoke to Carla about Love having a problem with her. Drita says Carla denied talking behind Love’s back. Love claims she heard tons of things Carla has said about her. Obviously it’s Love who keeps talking about Carla while we have yet to hear Carla say one thing about Love! Love then reveals that Carla stole a design and gave it to her ex for his business. I don’t get why Love is talking about this with Drita. Why can’t she pick up the phone and maturely speak to Carla? These are grown people! It’s not that difficult and to me Love doesn’t seem so scary since she only ever has bashed Carla behind her back. Drita wants Carla and Love to have a sit down but Love doesn’t think it will go well since Carla is “crazy.” Obviously the sit down isn’t going to go well if Love is expecting it to go bad!
It’s Love’s birthday party and all the girls minus Carla attend! Karen and Ramona seem to be getting annoyed with one another! Karen is opening up about her boyfriend who’s name is Storm and Ramona is mocking Storm referring to him as the ‘music man.’ Storm shows up and everyone seems to like him.
Carla later has a wine tasting party and Drita and Big Ang shows up. Drita decides to once again bring up Love and tells Carla she spoke to Love letting her in on what Love has said. Carla denies everything Love has claims and calls her nuts! Carla hopes that Drita believes her over Love and I do too considering the two are good friends. Drita keeps pushing them to speak but Carla says she will only talk, and not get physical. Why should these grown women even worry about things getting physical? This is all just ridiculous to me.
Renee did a lot of stuff this episode but all was just boring to me and not worth recapping. Thoughts on Sunday’s episodes? Do you believe Carla hasn’t bashed Love?