Kenya Moore debuted her single “Gone With The Wind Fabulous” earlier this year after her now memorable Real Housewives of Atlanta catch phrase. The reality TV star has revealed that she is shooting a music video for the song now. I can only imagine the antics that Kenya will be up to in her music video given her track record on RHOA thus far!
Brandon, Kenya’s friend who has appeared on the show, tweeted on Thursday, “Just wrapped first day of #GoneWithTheWindFabulous music video and this is going to be EPIC! Special thanks to all superstar cameos. #RHOA”
Since Kenya enjoys comparing herself to Beyonce and it has become a running joke, with Beyonce even quoting Kenya after the Superbowl, it looks like she is channeling Beyonce’s iconic “Single Ladies” look! Kenya posted a photo on Twitter of a very familiar look we’ve all seen, captioned, “Oh yeah this is happening…. #keyonce #GoneWithTheWindFabulous“
Kenya shares another photo, saying, “I’m exhausted my beautiful dancers wore me out! Love them! One more day to shoot my #gonewiththewindfabulous video.”
This would have been witty and funny maybe in 2008 when spoofing Single Ladies was the thing to do, but now? We shall see what #Keyonce has up her sleeve!
Kenya will be filming a club scene this weekend at a club in Los Angeles. Click HERE to find out how you can be part of the shoot if you live in the area!
Are you looking forward to seeing Kenya’s music video?