Things have heated up between Mob Wives stars Renee Graziano and Carla Facciolo! Season three of the hit show premieres in less than a month and it looks like things get a little crazy between the two ladies who have had a rocky relationship on the show.
Earlier this week, Renee called Carla mean, uneducated and ignorant regarding the drama that has sizzled between the two lately! Carla responded to Renee EXCLUSIVELY on AllAboutTRH and said Renee did not have an illness, but was just a drug addict who made up stories!
Renee has been affected by Carla’s words and wants people to know that addiction is a serious illness and that it affects many people in America. It does not make her a bad person, and Renee insists she’s a good person.
Renee tells AllAboutTRH, “I was a little disturbed because the facts weren’t there. I need for people to research what drug addiction is. Yes, it is a disease which takes more lives than cancer, diabetes and HIV within one year. It’s very serious and it’s not something to be laughed at. It’s not something people do for attention. I’ve suffered from it for many, many years. I’ve also suffered from severe depression which in season three you will learn more about. I am not crazy. I do not do things for attention. A star is born with plenty of attention. Oh, that would be me, not Carla!”
Carla said to us that Renee preaches the bible but that she is a devil in disguise! Renee slams this saying, “And as far as me being the devil, that was the most disrespectful thing she could’ve ever said. I’m gonna give you two quotes – one is ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who hurt you.’ Matthew 4:4 and ‘Don’t let evil defeat you. Defeat evil by doing good.’ Romans 12:21. So for someone who doesn’t think I’m close to God, I am so close to God that’s why I’m still alive.”
Renee is upset and slams Carla’s claims that Renee and her friends have been known to be homewreckers, saying, “I’m not a home wrecker! I might have wrecked my own home with my nonsense that I’ve done, but I would never go into someone else’s. Of course that was a lie. The comment she made referring to that she knows plenty of my friends who have had affairs. That’s not very smart to say. That’s actually defamation of character.”
Renee continues, “Everything else she said I will not comment on because it’s child’s play. She can call me every name but I would love for her to research drug addiction because it is a disease. And if she doesn’t believe me, she can call Dr. Drew. I have his number if she needs any help.”
Renee concludes by telling Carla, “I wish her the best. I wish her love and happiness. I’m very disappointed with what she said, but nothing will bring me down. I’m looking to better mine and my son’s life.”
If anything, it seems like this will be a very interesting new season of Mob Wives!
Do you agree with Renee that Carla should educate herself on drug addiction being an illness? Whose side do you take on this feud?!